Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Judge Bork Dies

BBC News: Reports that Judge Robert Bork died, the Judge was a former US US solicitor general, Attorney General and Federal Appeals Court Judge.   Judge Bork was nominated in 1987 by President Reagan to be on the US Supeme Court, US liberals blocked the nomination. 

Lets Get Real:

The modern take no prisoners no compromise approach of the US political parties comes from the Bork fight, the Judge on his qualifications was up to the job but liberals in the US Senate and in the US opposed his legal views, it did not help that at the height at of the Watergate scandal he followed the order of President Nixon and fired the Watergate Special Prosecutor.  Liberals never forgive folks, thus from Bork we have seen both Republicans and Democrats go for the throat, both Parties have to keep their bases happy, while before good Government was more important.    The modern political era in many respects in the Bork era, were the only result that matters to the Parties is the personal destruction of the opposition.  Shame on liberals. 

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