Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Republican House vs. POTUS - Fiscal Update

The White House: Has the following statement on the the latest Republican House Plan when it comes to the fiscal cliff, " The American people have been clear that they will not accept an economic approach that places too big of a burden on the middle class, seniors, students and the most vulnerable Americans while asking too little of the wealthiest Americans.  The Congressional Republican “Plan B” legislation continues large tax cuts for the very wealthiest individuals - on average, millionaires would see a tax break of $50,000 - while eliminating tax cuts that 25 million students and families struggling to make ends meet depend on and ending critical incentives for our nation’s businesses. It would also cut off a vital lifeline of unemployment assistance to 2 million Americans fighting to find a job just a few days after Christmas, while deeply cutting Medicare. The deficit reduction is minimal, and perversely, given its authors, solely through tax increases with no spending cuts.  This approach does not meet the test of balance, and the President would veto the legislation in the unlikely event of its passage.

Lets Get Real: 
The White House wants to completely defeat the Republican House, they want tax hikes on those earning two hundred and fifty thousand a year, that covers a lot of small business men and women, they also want to control the public spending purse.    If the Republican House Speaker John Boehner wants to get some honour back he will tell the Oval to get lost, he will reverse his previous agreement on tax hikes and tell the Oval that if it does not agree to Republican demands it can have the Obama recession and it will cost the Oval after the US goes over the fiscal cliff at the start of the new year, there will have to be tax breaks, NO TAX HIKES, major welfare cuts, not promised but real ones, the kind that will have liberals out on the streets.  Lets see if Speaker Boehner can play Chicago hard ball, that the only game that the Oval understands. 

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