Thursday, October 16, 2014

The FATE of Kobane - Has the Battle been WON? - The New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

The fog of War is causing different impressions to be given to the fight in Kobane, in one report it looks like the Kurds have pushed IS out, then this article states they could still lose. The news agencies can not risk sending in their reporters, the murderous acts of IS has shown that reporters are as much under threat as the locals.   It seems that the Kurds are in danger of losing the fight due to the fact that they are running out of bullets, the US and its Allies should send in some arms and trainers, okay SAS and the US Special Force to give a hand to the fighters of Kobane.   The loss of Kobane would be strategic setback in political and military terms, in the political IS would control most of the border between Syria and Turkey and on the political front it would show that air power alone does not work.   That is why Kobane is VERY important. 

UK Drones to Iraq - The New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

As noted in previous post the air campaign seems to be working, but how long before IS change their tactics and go for more urban targets, the kind of targets that are hard for air planes or drones to attack.  One would not be that shocked if IS is already in Baghdad in large numbers but keeping their heads down before the green light to do another Tet offensive, that being an attack on the US Embassy and personnel.   This WARS will take years without ground troops,  how long before the US and Allied voters get fed up with constant war without an end in sight.   One can presume that POTUS wants to hand over the Wars in Iraq and Syria to his successor, one hell of a gift to the new President on January 20th 2017.  One has a feeling one will be writing about these Wars for years. 

IS PUSHED out of Kobane - The New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

This is a victory for the Kurds and for the President Obama, in the case of the Oval it comes at a good time, it has been getting a critical reaction to its handling of the Wars in Syria and Iraq from the US voter.    The question is was this a real push by IS to get Kobane?, or a distraction while it gained villages and towns in Iraq.   The US and Allied air forces will have years of this kind of operation, then we come to Baghdad, IS is getting close, will close air support really help when we come to the Capital of Iraq, it can be argued that if IS gets in to Baghdad it will take US ground troops to push them out, that is for the future, at present a success for the Oval, that should be shown in polls before the Mid Term elections.