Telegraph: Reports " Kobane still in danger and running out of ammunition, warn Kurds..Accurate US air strikes have helped halt Isil advance but "danger of massacre still exists", Kurdish fighters defending Kobane in Syria from jihadists warn "
Lets Get Real:
The fog of War is causing different impressions to be given to the fight in Kobane, in one report it looks like the Kurds have pushed IS out, then this article states they could still lose. The news agencies can not risk sending in their reporters, the murderous acts of IS has shown that reporters are as much under threat as the locals. It seems that the Kurds are in danger of losing the fight due to the fact that they are running out of bullets, the US and its Allies should send in some arms and trainers, okay SAS and the US Special Force to give a hand to the fighters of Kobane. The loss of Kobane would be strategic setback in political and military terms, in the political IS would control most of the border between Syria and Turkey and on the political front it would show that air power alone does not work. That is why Kobane is VERY important.