Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A New Chancellor - May Era

Guardian - Live Reporting: Reports 7.17pm post the following, " Hammond becomes chancellor as Osborne leaves the government "

Lets Get Real:

Thus the old Cameron Cabinet is getting the push, Hammond is a better fit as Chancellor, how the manner of dry accountant, that is what you want next door, also not a political threat as he supported Remain in the EU vote.   Let see who gets FCO, Home Office and the new Department of Brexit.

The New Cabinet - May Era

Lets Get Real:

Is the Boris Johnson up for a job, lets hope Foreign Office, or the new Department for Brexit, him at No 11 might not be a good idea, hardly comes across as a accountant.   The media will love this, who is in and who is out, that is the fun of a reshuffle. 

PM May and her Government - May Era

Lets Get Real:

The more you listen to the speech the more it sounds like something Ed Miliband would say, let us hope its just SPIN, the Conservatives will have to keep an eye on this PM, what would Lady Thatcher say about it, one could only guess.    Let us hope that Brexit means Brexit!!

The Press and the New PM - May Era

Lets Get Real:

One only hopes that Conservative backbench MPs will not have to remind the PM that she leads the Conservative Party, social care yes but not a nanny State, the Conservative Party is of the right, we want people to help themselves, we are not communists, as those in charge of Labour at the moment.   The main policy for PM May is to get the UK out of the EU.   The UK wants Brexit to mean Brexit, the UK wants control of its borders and who decides UK law, the House of Commons and not the EU.   On the whole a good start, lets see how it goes from here.