Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Immigration Reform and the Republican House

The Washington Post: Has the liberal line on the chances of the Immigration reform passing the Republican House, the article notes the following, " ..that House Republicans may kill reform on behalf of a GOP base that can’t accept it. ".

Lets Get Real:

This is a tricky problem for Speaker Boehner, he wants to see a Republican in the White House in 2017, thus the Republican Party needs to get more of the vote from those than consider Immigration a deal breaker, on the other hand in the 2014 Mid Terms he needs the Party base to come OUT to VOTE, those on the right of the Republican Party see the latest reform idea as a blanket amnesty to those in the US in an illegal context.   On this issue the Speaker should stand up to his base, its right when looked on as a morel issue, and its right when it comes to the politics, so it is time for Speaker Boehner to show leadership, if the Gipper can do it, then Boehner can take a stand, lets see what matters more to the Speaker, his job or the Republican Party, in this case they are not the same thing folks. 

Obama and the IRS Part 2 - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

Why is this blog not surprised that we suddenly find that left and liberal wings groups were also targeted, when was this done, and how many groups came under close inspection, this smells folks, like someone saw a scandal coming and added these groups to give them cover, just something this blog would do, cover one scandal with another and cause confusion, so Chicago politics.   Lets recall hundreds of Tea Party groups came under close inspection, did these SUDDEN left wing targets reach in to the hundreds, one has doubts.   This sounds so phony folks, the Republican House needs to check if is a major league Chicago con, sounds and smells folks, its the Chicago way folks. 

Obama Poll DIVE - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

This is not good for the Oval folks if he wants to get his Agenda through the Republican House, the next big bill to hit the House will be Immigration Reform Bill, that allows those in the US illegally to start on the road to becoming US Citizens.   The Bill is over a 1000 + pages folks, its hard to call the result in the House, the Republican House was elected to STOP the Obama Agenda, on this Bill the House should approve the measure and get his off the table, 1. It the right thing to do, your not going to throw out nearly 12 million illegals and their families, 2. Its good on the political front, allows the Republicans to show they understand and can show compassion to their fellow man.   On the other hand after ObamaCare there is not much trust in the Obama Administration, thus it might go down because the Oval does not have the political juice to get through, politics is a hard business folks, 50/50 on the Bill folks. 

Obama and the World Stage

BBC News: Reports on the critical reaction from the White House to the State Department by the fact that Hong Kong ( China ) and Russia have did not have not taken the US traitor US Edward Snowden in to custody.

Lets Get Real:

This is what happens folks when you have a weak President, lets recall what happened to Jimmy Carter in 1979, the new Iranian Government took US diplomats hostage for 444 days and the then USSR went in to Afghanistan, you might ask why bring up these historical cases, lets see, Obama wants a deal with Iran on its nuclear plans, not going to happen folks, Tehran sees Obama as weak and easy to roll over, then we come to Afghanistan, the Oval wants talks with the Taliban as to give the Oval a fig leaf to leave Afghanistan with honour, not going to happen, the Taliban just have to wait in till 2014 when NATO leaves, the US plans to leave a small force inside Afghanistan to go after Al Qaeda, this would be a mistake, they would be target from day one to the Taliban and Al Qaeda, the above is due to a weak President, when a US President is weak and out of his depth the enemies of the US will roll him, that is why Obama = Carter folks.