Telegraph: Reports the following on the opening of the Bush 43 Presidential Library, " A new poll this week gave him an approval rating of 47 per cent, still low by the standards of former presidents, but a marked increase on 2009. ".
Lets Get Real:
Great leaders take BIG decisions folks, Reagan called the USSR an Evil Empire and ended the Cold War, Bush 43 declared a War on Terror, freed Iraq and Afghanistan, saved the banking system, but his poll ratings were in the toilet when he left office in 2009, he started to look good after the Obama failed to take leadership of the West, the US voter might want the US to be liked, but in his or her heart the voter want a leader, that is why Lady Thatcher might not have been loved but was respected and won three general elections. The fate of President Johnson should be a warning to President Obama, LBJ did a lot more great liberal things than Obama, Civil Rights, the Great Society Agenda, but he was destroyed by Vietnam, weakness might get you applause from the liberal NYT, it does not get you in to history, taking a stand, willing to lose your popularity that is what a leader is, Reagan, Thatcher had that political courage, Obama is stuck to his liberal base, he can not see outside his liberal box, that is not leadership folks, that is weakness, and a footnote in history.