RCP: A scathing critic of Bill and Hillary Clinton. The former first family should skip the article over breakfast.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Bill and Hillary Clinton
RCP: A scathing critic of Bill and Hillary Clinton. The former first family should skip the article over breakfast.
Obama and Iran
ABC News: Has picked up on something that I also noticed , Obama is walking back from his policy on Iran. No POTUS is going to walk in to a meeting with the leaders of Iran with no conditions, its about politics. Must admit Obama is becoming more impressive and more like the candidate he was at the start of the campaign.
The New York Observer: Looks at the comparisons between 1984 and 2008 in the Democratic Race. In 84 Mondale was put over the top by Super Delegates. I don't think Obama wants to be Walter Mondale, he lost 49 states to Ronald Reagan. Also Mondale later on could not win back his old Senate Seat due in some respects to his defeat in 1984.
Poor Pundits!!
Washington Post: A must read for all those interested in politics, even more so if you write on the subject, yes last night was different, all the professionals and bloggers have been saying its over for weeks if not months. CNN was on a happy pill, ever other comment was this was the first African - American nominee, we guessed that somewhat!! The point of Obama at the start was that he was post racial, past those 60s debates. CNN broke away from the McCain speech, doubts it would do the same to Obama. Lets get this out of the way, yes Obama is historic, the first African - American candidate but other wise still a bloke!! I hope the elite media don't lose the plot, the voters will move to Fox if Obama is not treated like any other candidate. Lets go beyond race and treat both Obama and McCain with respect,they are politicians not saints. Read of the Day.
Elite Media and Clinton
Breitbart.com: A fun article on what Hillary Clinton wants, lets be honest like Bill she wants to be POTUS.
Ms Dowd has a scathing attack article on Hillary Clinton. The Lady in Pants Suits wont go away!!
Washington Post: The description of the Clinton Camp on the day Obama won the nomination sounds like something out of nut house, but you have to give it to the Clintons, they never give up even when its over, finished. The WP states the following, " For a candidate who had just lost the nomination, she seemed very much in charge. " In all my years of watching and reading about American politics this takes the biscuit its surreal, am feeling sorry for Obama!!
Obama and AIPAC
Just seen the Obama speech at AIPAC, it was a very good speech, had some good lines about tough diplomacy, used the examples of Truman, Kennedy and Reagan. Question will it help with the Jewish vote? It was not a direct walk back from his views that he would talk with Iran without conditions but it should be enough, even sounded good to me, if elected Obama does not want another Munich on his hands, would not help with his re - elect. Also he stated that military force was always an option. My second look at Obama shows that Obama knows that he will lose a debate on National Security with Senator McCain, thus a move to the centre, will it work well that's down to the polls.
Elite Media and Clinton
The Elite Media I think are going to go bonkers with the Clintons, it was meant to be Obama's night and what do we get, the same bloody question, what does the woman want? If she wants the VP spot just say for god's sake, all the bull about let every vote count is bull, its about the Clintons and power and Impeachment.
Obama Speech
Senator Obama is good at speech making, but this is June, you cant get away with that for months. Obama is making the same mistake when it comes to Iraq. If Obama keeps to the same policy he will lose. He is good but he is no Ronald Reagan. There is a difference folks.
John McCain and 08
A good speech, the Right Change line was good, but this is a long road for the McCain Campaign.
Hillary Clinton and 08
Hillary Clinton made a remarkable speech, this is simple blackmail on Obama, she wants the VP spot, the Clintons are playing hard ball, Obama has to show leadership and end the VP speculation.
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