Fox News: Reports on a new memoir by a close Obama Staffer, Ben Rhodes, the memoir reports on President Obama's reaction to the Trump win, " Obama was shell-shocked by Trump win, asked 'What if we were wrong?,' new book says "
Lets Get Real:
One can disagree with President Obama when it comes to policy, and this blog did, at least he knew how to be Presidential. Also he destroyed Al Qaeda but did see the rise of Daesh, it took the Trump Presidency to kill of Daesh as a major threat. One the domestic front President Obama was to liberal, thus ObamaCare, his voting coalition only worked for him, he did not have the coat tails to help HRC or other Democrats. They say a Presidency looks better in the reverse mirror, that is true of President Obama. One is still surprised that Barack Obama does not run for the Senate again, he is still young in Presidential years, this time he could spend time there!!