Friday, March 28, 2008

NYT on Casey

New York Times: Reports on the background for the Casey support of Obama. As stated previously I see this as a trend, expect more endorsements.

Obama and the Pastor

CNN: Reports that Obama will state he would have left his Church if his pastor had not retired, Obama is learning you have to be ruthless in Presidential Politics. The row might not move much in the Democratic Party but they are very Liberal. Obama will have problems with this issue in the general election. Recent surveys show that Clinton voters would vote for McCain over Obama. Obama has to build up his support in the White community, otherwise he will lose the election.

Dean and the Titanic

Fox News: Howard Dean the Chairman of the DNC the man who helped create the mess in the Democratic Race wants the Super Delegates to save his political career. He wants them to make their minds up by July. The reason his bad management skills as in connection with Florida and Michigan is one of the reasons for this mess. If Super Delegate would tell Dean to keep out of this business, he was a failed Presidential Candidate and he has failed the Democratic Party.

Leahy to Clinton, GET OUT OF THE RACE

Fox News: Reports that the Senior Democratic Senator, Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont has asked that Clinton get out of the race, the pressure will build, as stated in previous post the Casey support on the heels of the Richardson support should be a major signal to Clinton to get out of the race, in pure politics its better to get out without losing a Convention fight, come back again but if she was to lose it would be over for her Presidential Plans.

More Good News for Obama Reports that one of the State's US Senators is to endorse Obama. Thus will help Obama in Pennsylvania, Bob Casey and before that Governor Richardson, is the Clinton Campaign on the Bridge to nowhere!!