Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The HOUSE Republican ?

RCP - House: Reports on its latest prediction for the House of Representatives, in its latest projection the Republicans will have 223 seats, five seats over the 218 needed to take the House, the Democrats would be on 179 seats and there are 33 seats that could go either way. This blog predicts that the Republicans will take between 50 and 65 Seats in the House, this is not breaking news, this is the range that most other webs sites have stated, if the Republicans can take between 70 and 100 then it’s a new ball game, they will be tea party candidates, they will not want to play ball with the Oval, it will be tough even with the lower figure but over 70 and the Obama will have to show that he is a real political operator, they have no interest in giving the Oval any victories. Interesting few weeks ahead folks.

Tony Blair and Iraq - Back in the Public Dock!

Guardian: Reports that former Labour PM Tony Blair will be recalled to give evidence to the Iraq inquiry, the Guardian states the following for the recall, “ concerned about damaging and conflicting evidence revealed since former PM's last appearance ”. It seems that the concern is that Mr Blair gave US President his green light for invasion after being told that the lawyers within the Blair Government had great concern about the legality of the War. One could postulate that the Iraqi Inquiry is going to hang Mr Blair out to dry, it seems the public want a political sacrifice, as Mr Blair is out of power and has been dumped on by the new Labour Leader Ed Miliband it seems that Mr Blair is the easy target to be thrown to the wolves. Would advice Mr Blair to watch his back when he returns to the Inquiry or even better give it a miss, either way he will be thrown to wolves, that is the price the Establishment wants to bury the Iraq War.

“ Shove It ” President Obama - And that is a Democrat!

Telegraph: Reports that a Democrat running to be Governor of Rhode Island has told President Obama to “ Shove It” that being his political endorsement. This is a curious case that shows the arrogance of President Obama, the leader of the Democratic Party wont endorse the Democratic nominee due to the fact that the his challenger is a former Republican colleague of his in the US Senate, the Colleague is running as an Independent in the race and in the last poll has a 7% lead. Since the dawn of political time there has been a friendship between members of different political parties, at leas the opposition wont stab you in the back, unlike your suppose colleagues. But this shows President Obama does not understand modern American politics, the leader gives his nod the Democratic nominee even if he hates his/her guts, loathes him/her, the sole exception if the candidate has been arrested or faces a major trial, and this does not arise in this case, other Democratic Candidates will ask can the Oval be trusted in a tight spot, Obama could face a nomination challenge in 2012, he needs the Democratic Party at his back, if you’re a Democrat do you trust Obama after Rhode Island.

The Economy and the Mid Term Electins

Gallup: Has interesting polls on the economy a few days before the 2010 Mid Term Congressional Elections in the US, when asked their economic conditions voters stated the following, Poor 42% and Excellent/Good 14%. On the economic outlook voters stated the following, Getting Worse 58% and Getting Better 35%. The Obama Agenda could be dead on the Hill after November due to the economic fears of the voters, they see the Obama spending and they fear for their future jobs prospects and the prospects for their families. Will be interesting to match the above with the actual vote in such states as Ohio, states that have been hit hard by the economic recession, POTUS needs Ohio in 2012, Obama has been so many times to Ohio he should rent a house, it would save on the costs of visits. Also it would make for good PR, it would show that POTUS was in touch with the voters, could see the recession every day.