Wednesday, April 04, 2012

9/11 Terrorists SET for Trial - Justice or Politics ?

BBC News: Reports that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and four others will be tried by a Military Commission for the terror attacks of 9/11. This news is political folks, the Oval for years tried to move the cases from Guantanamo to New York in New York State, this caused a political firestorm, the Oval in the end had to admit defeat and have these terrorists tried by Military Commission. This could have been done years ago folks, the Bush Administration had set it up, but the Obama Oval thought it knew better, ObamaCare anyone, yes for a lawyer Obama is not that good. Thus this move today is political, the left will not be happy, but its not about them, they have nowhere to go, this is about getting Independent and male voters to give Obama a 2nd chance and thus a 2nd term. Why do we have to waste time with a trial, they are guilty, cant we just hang them or shoot them, and give them a Muslim burial. That would be justice or the justice that these terrorists should get, so for the next few months we have this show trial, and it’s a show trial, the sole benefit to get Obama re-elected, shame on the Oval.

Romney vs. Obama

The Romney Campaign is not going to allow President Obama to define him, this is the rebuttal advert from the Romney Campaign. It shows that the Romney Campaign is on the ball, it has learned the lessons of not responding fast enough, it can be argued that Kerry Campaign failed in 2004 due to lack of response to the attacks on the Senator’s military record. As noted the Bill Clinton re-election Campaign defined his Republican Opponent months before the National Conventions, thus won big time, this is the trick that Obama is trying, will it work folks, lets see how sick of these adverts we get, and folks you will get sick of them, this is just the start, a very long road, so many Adverts, Polls, Articles, etc, yes the General Election fight has started folks.

The Woes of Spain and the Markets

Guardian: Reports that European Stock Markets have fallen by over 2% today. Thus folks Europe needs growth but this cant be down with Government spending, PIIGS are broke, today in Europe is in the AGE of Austerity, thus this will increase welfare spending, thus more debt, thus the bond market will smell out a weak economy and go in for the kill, go and ask Greece, Ireland and Italy what that feels like to the native politicians, that means losing political power. It can be argued that the EU faces a decade of austerity, high unemployment, low to no growth, a high rate of young people on the dole, the older generation will have to work post 65, lets cut the BS folks, if your in your late 30s or 40s NOW, you will be working in till your 70 or 75, just get over that fact. Its going to be a hard and tough decade folks, lets hope Prozac is cheap.

Spain IN Pain - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph Live - Spain: Reports the following on this mornings Spanish bond sale, “ ..hoping to get away €3.5bn, but only found buyers for €2.59bn - and had to pay higher rates than in previous sales, at 5.338pc. ”. Thus folks if Spain goes down the toilet so does the Euro and the EU could be next, if Italy or Spain need a bailout, or both do then its game over folks, the EU/IMF does not have the money or the political will to save both economies. After all the worry about Greece, it could be the liver of Europe that goes dodo, ( if France and Germany are the heart of Europe, you can follow this example, the Spanish and the Italians like their food and wine, they just might have eaten enough to kill their liver ). Lets see EU politicians waffle though another crisis, endless meetings, endless near death experiences. That is EU politics folks.

Obama vs. Romney

The Obama Campaign is following the 1996 Bill Clinton playbook, define your opposition before they can define themselves, thus the above attack advert. This is why the Republican Race has to come to an end, if the Oval can define Romney before Romney can finish the Republican Race then he is a loser. Its that simple and brutal folks.

Good Night for Romney - Three WINS

BBC News: Reports on Governor Mitt Romney winning Maryland, Wisconsin and the District of Colombia in the Republican Nomination fight. Folks this fight is over, as this blog stated last night in its tweets its time for Senator Santorum to start thinking of 2016, if Romney does lose against President Obama and that lost is seen in part due to the long fight with Santorum it will be hard for Santorum to get the nomination in 2016. As Speaker Gingrich does not matter in electoral terms it does not really hurt him either way, in or out, one cant see Gingrich running in 2016. The Republican Party has to come together to support Romney, its going to be a Chicago no hold fights folks, the Chicago political mob play dirty, time for the Republicans to stop firing at each other and start to take on President Obama and his Administration.