Guardian: Reports that the US and the UK have stated the following on the Syrian Crisis, " the use, or even the threat, of chemical weapons by President Bashar al-Assad could trigger a military intervention.. ".
Lets Get Real:
Thus a red line folks, what will the Assad Regime do, does it really think that POTUS will take action before his National Convention and before the Presidential Election. If Syria was to threaten to use WMD's or give them to its terrorists allies, this blog has it doubts that President Obama before November would take action, the US left would go bonkers if Obama allowed the US to get dragged in to another Middle East War after Libya. Also a new Middle East War would drown out the social agenda that the Democrats want to fight on, while they might want to define the Republicans as anti women the TV news would be showing the US in action in Syria or worse for the Oval, Israel taking action of Iran's nuclear plans. It would not surprise this blog to see Israel HIT Iran just before November, and letting the Oval know through the news, as they did in 1981 and 2007. Chicago politics is harsh folks, the politics of the Middle East is life and death, and they really bury you in the Middle East.