Guardian: Reports the following from the rouge nation of North Korea, " Long-range rockets and proposed 'high-level nuclear test' are targeted at 'arch-enemy of the Korean people', Pyongyang says ".
Lets Get Real:
In essence folks North Korea can not be touched, it has a million man army on the border with South Korea, it has missiles aimed at South Korea, it has the bomb and now its is developing ICBM's that can hit the US, its major ally China can not act or wont, the UN is a toothless tiger. When it comes to facing down North Korea or Iran the Oval folds, these rogue countries understand Obama, they know he is weak at his core, he might be the Godfather of drone attacks but he will not use ground troops in a major with with either Iran or North Korea, he folds like a cheap tent, this is known in Pyongyand and Tehran, thus they will push and blackmail, the US will have to wait for another Kennedy or Reagan to get the fear back in to the international system. The US will fold and give food or other supplies to North Korea to keep it quiet. On the other hand it can be expected that Japan will go nuclear soon, it can not afford to be upstaged by North Korea, Imperial Japan might need to show its teeth, that just might scare China to force North Korea back in to its box..