Thursday, January 24, 2013

North Korea Blackmail - 2nd Obama Term

Lets Get Real:

In essence folks North Korea can not be touched, it has a million man army on the border with South Korea, it has missiles aimed at South Korea, it has the bomb and now its is developing ICBM's that can hit the US,  its major ally China can not act or wont, the UN is a toothless tiger.   When it comes to facing down North Korea or Iran the Oval folds, these rogue countries understand Obama, they know he is weak at his core, he might be the Godfather of drone attacks but he will not use ground troops in a major with with either Iran or North Korea, he folds like a cheap tent, this is known in Pyongyand and Tehran, thus they will push and blackmail, the US will have to wait for another Kennedy or Reagan to get the fear back in to the international system.    The US will fold and give food or other supplies to North Korea to keep it quiet.  On the other hand it can be expected that Japan will go nuclear soon, it can not afford to be upstaged by North Korea, Imperial Japan might need to show its teeth, that just might scare China to force North Korea back in to its box.. 

Kerry and Iran - 2nd Obama Term

BBC News: Reports that the next US Secretary of State Senator John Kerry has stated that the US will stop  Iran going nuclear. 

Lets Get Real: 

The issue of Iran could define the Obama second term, get it right and Obama will become a historical figure, while Bill Clinton also served two terms, he was not in the league of a Kennedy or Reagan,  this is the issue that will either make Obama great or send him in the same category of Neville Chamberlain, who followed  a policy of Appeasement in the 1930s, a policy that was opposed by Winston Churchill, during his Wildness Years of that period.    The recent Israeli Election might have given the Oval some space, the right by the looks of things will have a narrow majority in the new Israeli Parliament.   Thus Obama has some time to do what he wants to do, have one to one talks with Iran, and the man for that is Senator Kerry, he is not a hawk, thus if it does not work and the US has to hit Iran it will be seen that the US tried.  The one policy that will be opposed by the Hill will be any step to force Israel to accept a nuclear armed Iran, that would be a disaster for the US, Israel and for Democrats an election disaster.  Thus lets see what Senator Kerry bring to State, will he be close to the Oval, or will he be used as a sideshow while real policy is taken in the Oval, that would not be new folks. 

UK Citizens GET OUT of Benghazi, Libya - FCO

UK FCO: Reports in its travel advice web page that NO UK Citizens should go to Benghazi and those there should leave due to a terrorist threat. 

Lets Get Real: 

The UK Government is not falling in to the trap that the Oval did folks, it is getting its people OUT, it does not want further UK Citizens to be taken hostage as in Algeria, the French operation in Mali has caused regional problems for the UK, Germany and the Netherlands, these two Countries have told their Citizens to get out.   The Libyan Government is not happy, well they should make sure that post Gaddafi Libya is more secure, it should get the guns and other defence equipment off the street.   It has come out in the US at the Hillary Clinton Senate hearing that the US is moving arms from Libya through Turkey to Syria, one can assume this is a CIA operation,  the idea being that there are no finger prints on the guns, if taken by the Assad regime they can not be traced back to the US, clever if it had not come out.   The Middle East always leaks folks, that is the nature of the game.