Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Clinton's VP Choice?

The Politico: Interesting article on how Obama could became the VP to Hillary Clinton. But as the article states this is not on the cards. I share the articles view, Obama needs to win and pick any one but Hillary Clinton.

Clinton Effect?

The Telegraph ( UK ): Interesting article, how Hillary Clinton could have a negative effect on the Democratic Party around the country. WORTH A READ.

Iran Politics

Even a non legal resolution has problems in the Senate, a resolution that would condemn the Islamic Revolutionary Guard for its actions has problems getting through because the Democratic Party has sold its soul to the left wing. Of all countries for the Democratic Party to give cover to, Iran, they seem to have forgotten that it was the hostage crisis that bought down President Jimmy Carter. The left and the Democratic Party is heading the way of the Appeasement movement in of the 1930s.


Washington Post: An interesting Editorial by the post, the problems of getting the world to react to President Ahmadinejad and Iran. This is a prediction, War with Iran within a year. Today is 26/9/07 by 26/9/08 the USA and its allies will have attacked Iran. The attack will be done with air power, the attack will come after a failure of Diplomacy to remove the threat of a nuclear Iran. The effects of the strike will have a major effect on the 2008 Elections.

The Truth, Politics and Iraq

Salon: If your a Democrat and want to win the White House in 2008, read this article. The article is to the point, the Congress cant change Bush Policy and it can not afford to go off the cliff with the left wing of the Democratic Party. The article states the following, the Truth and nothing but the Truth, " the Iraq war is no longer going to be waged in the chambers of Congress. The coming battleground instead is the familiar terrain of Ohio and Florida.." The 2008 Election will decide the future of the USA in Iraq.