Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The turmoil in Labour - Corbyn Era

Lets Get Real:

It is one thing to lead a Party is quite another thing to lead a Party were most of your MP's can not stand you, and will rebel when there are major questions are coming up, Trident or Syria.   The Jeremy Corby Leadership has a problem, it can not argue for MP's to be loyal when Jeremy Corbyn has voted against the Labour whip over five hundred times.    The crunch vote for Corbyn will be Trident and Syria, if he can not control his Party the knifes will be out for him, he just seems attached to BAD politics.   The BBC and Guardian will cover for up to a point, but this type of rebellion if it happens often will undermine Labour as a political party. 

The Rebellion by Labour MP's over the Fiscal Charter - Corbyn Era

Lets Get Real:

It will be interesting to see how many Labour MP's have the nerve to rebel, those that do rebel will show political courage and also an understanding of the real world.   The Jeremy Corbyn leadership is about protest, no real government.    The Conservatives should push for a early vote on Trident and Syria,  the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn has shown that it is not fit for government, they have gone way left, the British people voted in May for a centre - right kind of government, low taxes, strong defence, a less expensive welfare state.  Interesting night for Labour.   Update,: The fiscal charter has passed the House of Commons, it looks like about 30 Labour MP's did indeed not vote.