Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has announced the name of the UK Soldier that was killed on Tuesday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was " Warrant Officer Class 2 Ian Fisher from 3rd Battalion The Mercian Regiment ".  Our thoughts are with the family of WO2 Fisher. 

Lets Get Real:

Let us never forget those that have served in Afghanistan, do not allow Afghanistan to become another Korea, the forgotten War, our Armed Forces deserved better leadership, from the MOD to 10 Downing Street.  No more Afghanistan adventures. 

Trouble in the White House - ObamaCare

Lets Get Real:

This blog can not understand why the Oval did not take up the demand by the Republicans for a delay, then the Oval could have blamed the Republicans, made the Oval look like it willing to be moderate, then get the website fixed, and short out the other problems, then bring a 100% working ObamaCare scheme to the public.    If ObamaCare was a business it would be OUT of business, even NOW the Oval will not delay, you can not fix a website while it still LIVE, its like being on the Titanic, your just plugging holes without dealing with the main problem.    If the Oval and its political staff had a brain cell, it would come out and say, " we need a delay, six months, thus ObamaCare and ALL aspects will be delayed, and the Oval will inform the insurance agents that they have to revoke their cancel letters and allow cover to go on, " that would be smart political move folks.   The Oval has set the 30th this month to get the website working, if better be working or Hill Democrats will bolt and vote to delay the individual mandate.   Political hubris comes before a political fall. 

A profile of Governor Christie - 2016

Lets Get Real:

The perfect candidate for 2016, a fiscal conservative who has stood up to the unions, and moderate enough to get back those Reagan Democrats the Republican Party needs to take the White House.   The Christie Campaign should start to make plans to visit Iowa over 2014, then have discreet talks with a Tea Party favourite to take the VP spot, in fact if the Christie Campaign is clever it should start to close the field down NOW for 2016, the Democrats on mass are going for Hillary Clinton, the Republican Establishment does not need a long drawn out Campaign for 2016, limited debates, do not give arrows to the other side, Governor Christie could well be the new Ronald Reagan. 

Thoughts on the Off Year Elections - 2nd Obama Term

BBC News: Reports on the re-election of Republican Governor Christie in New Jersey and the election of Hillary Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe as Governor of Virginia. 

Lets Get Real:

So what does this tell us about 2016, well the victory of Christie was expected, the BBC call him a moderate Republican, let see if he runs in 2016 what they will call him, one can guess, as for the McAuliffe victory in Virginia it was a lot more narrow than expected, in this the Democrats were helped by the fact that northern Virginia is a suburb of Washington D.C, thus a lot of people need a BIG US GOVERNMENT, thus they vote Democratic, even then it was a VERY narrow win, and the Democrats spent a lot more than the Republicans.     As to 2016 Hillary Clinton is the expected nominee, that was the case in 2008, and she lost,  Mrs Clinton is not Bill, she is not that good on the campaign trail, thus if you were a betting man you would bet she would be a the Democratic Nominee, but you might not bet the house.   As for the Republican side, Christie has a good message, a fiscal conservative, but moderate, this could be the ticket for the Republicans in 2016, if that is the case Governor Christie will need a right wing VP, some that will make the base happy, what about Newt Gingrich for VP on the ticket.   Let the speculation start, its fun. 

Death in Afghanistan - Afghanistan Theatre

MOD: Reports that UK Soldier was killed on Tuesday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the " 3rd Battalion The Mercian Regiment  ".  Thus sine 2001 the UK has lost 446 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total 403 have died in combat, while 43 have died to illness, accidents and other incidents. 

Lets Get Real:

WHY?, WHY?, the UK presence in Afghanistan in till 2014 is suppose to be a clean up operation, getting military equipment ready to come home, what is the point of giving the Afghanistan Taliban targets to shoot at, the UK Coalition Government should bring our troops home, at once, if the equipment is not ready it should be destroyed, ALL out troops should be on planes home, our Service Personnel who have served and still serve in Afghanistan are heroic, but they should not have to take bad end of a bad policy.    This blog is a hawk as most readers of this blog know, but when it comes to Afghanistan this blog has learned its lesson, GET OUT, political honour can go to hell.