Monday, October 15, 2018

The Backstop of the Backstop ? - Brexit Update 4 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

This blog never tends to praise the Guardian, but on this one subject it must be applauded, in article it explains the backstop of the backstop in a clear manner and the political problems with the issue.   The UK Government under PM May needs the DUP to stay in power, thus it can not give way, and even then if there is an agreement the PM would need to get the hard remainers and hard brexit supporters on board, not an easy task.   The Chief Whip will have to put his phone on and use the dark arts of the House of Cards ( UK version ) to make sure the MPs are whipped in to the right voting area.   The prize of Brexit must not be LOST, hard Brexit supporters should give  a little, the prize is the UK out of the EU. 

PM May and the House of Commons - Brexit Update 3 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The PM should place pressure on the Eastern European Countries, remind them who will they for help should they come under attack from Putin's Russia.   The EU will talk but will do nothing to defend Eastern Europe, do you trust the French to come to your military assistance, or the Italians, it will be the US and the UK that would be needed to defend the Eastern European Countries in Eastern Europe.   Also the PM should make it VERY CLEAR that we will remember who was with us when we needed it, this is a crisis point, a real one, also the PM should make clear that will will not give 1 pence to the EU if they play games.   Do you see the French giving money to anyone, the German taxpayer is tired of being the Bank for the EU, thus the recent loses by the German Government.   This is the time to play hardball, very hardball, 2nd does not count. 

Brexit Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The PM must be wondering why she wanted to become PM, all her routes out of the EU problems costs her, if she allows Northern Ireland to be treated differently that the rest of the UK then she loses the DUP, if she does not set a deadline for when the UK cuts official ties with the EU she loses the hard remainers and hard brexit supporters. In harsh political terms, the PM is up the Creek, the EU either do not understand or no not care that their manner could lead to a no deal result. The PM has to be tough, she should go for a NO DEAL and force her small hard remainers to bring the Government or go to the Country and sell a no deal plan. When the sharks are after you and they smell blood in the water it is better to get on to the biggest boat you can and wack them back if you have too, ( real sharks get to much bad press, I blame Jaws ) Political time is running out for the PM and the Government.

PM May on Brexit - Update - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The PM is fast losing the House of Commons, watching the Statement one got the impression that the only figure to believe in the May Brexit plan was the PM, the Speaker kept calling hard Remainers from the Conservative and Labour ranks.   They want a 2nd Brexit, what they really want to do is reverse Brexit.   If Theresa May wants to stay as PM she has to make a political choice who can she tell to get LOST.  If the wants to remain leader of the Conservative Party she has to keep the hard brexit supporters in line, she can afford to tell the remainers to get lost, they do not have the numbers to get rid of her, and one of them stated that he would not even vote for a deal if it was agreed by the EU and the UK.   There is an old saying, when you are in a hole, stop digging.   The next few days are going to be interesting.   As to the backstop of the backstop, there is simple answer, Northern Ireland is part of the UK and will leave with the UK when we end ties with the EU, there cannot be a deal that cuts Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK. 

The Ghost Monument - Doctor Who Review ( No Spoilers )

Lets Get Real:

The Doctor landed on a new planet, with her new companions and two new friends picked on the way up ( No spoiler )  The Doctor went straight in trouble, she found that she was now part of space race.   The Doctor and the group found after travelling on a poison river that they had reached the end point of the game, and the most violent.   As the Doctor says, never use guns, use your brain to get out of a mess, that did not stop robots having a good try and trying to kill the group.   The Doctor learned through ancient writing that the planet had been used as a testing site for all manner of deadly uses, ( President Putin would have loved the place )  As the Doctor and the group got out of some relics, they were held ( spoiler ) the threat could read the mind of the Doctor and found some interesting past memories ( spoiler ).   The Doctor and the group escaped and found the Ghost Monument, the ( spoiler )