Friday, December 16, 2016

Obama vs. Trump - The Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

This is why Presidents like either their Vice - President to win or the Party nominee.   The only President who has been that lucky is the great Ronald Reagan, his successor was Bush 41, his Vice - President.    Every other President in the modern era, ( 1980 onwards ) with the exception of Reagan has seen his Vice - President or Party nominee lose.   The fact that Bush 41 won helped the Reagan legacy, while you would be hard pressed to see other Presidents invoked as much as Reagan is by Republicans and Democrats.   At the present the Democrats are being foreign policy hawks, this is a great surprise to this blogger, the Gipper has to put up with constant attacks by liberals that he was to hard on the then USSR.  That is what happens Dems when you lose an election.

Hillary Clinton vs. Putin of Russia - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The above is about right, but its not the whole story, HRC was a bad candidate, she did not connect to the rust belt voters, the old Reagan Democrats.   The white working class has fallen behind in economic terms in the Obama Era, while the top 1% of the country has gotten all the benefits.   One only has to look at the rusted factories in these States, they were the life blood of communities, once they went towns and cities started to decline.   The Trump promised to bring back jobs to the rust belt States, we shall if he can give rebirth to the industrial heartland of the US.    HRC was a bad candidate who did not come across as authentic, she is no Bill Clinton.

Obama to HIT back at Russia - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus President Obama will strike back against Russia, we have heard before that he would strike after a red line was passed, and what did he do, NOTHING.  The Russians must laugh when Obama says he is going to ACT.   The US in cyber warfare could close down Moscow etc, but will they, any action must not be an overreaction, also how good is Russian IT.   The US should be careful not to cause WW3 by hacking the wrong thing, that is not an argument for doing nothing, it is an argument for doing something with a brain cell.  Let us recall in 1983 the Russian systems showed a nuclear strike by the US on the then USSR.  The Soviet Officer in charge did not get the Kremlin up, he thought it was technology error, as it was, the West and Russia got lucky, those chances are rare in history.

NO Hope - Michelle Obama - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The above remarks do not help in bringing the US together after a tough election, in fact they can be stated to be self indulgent and a little on the egotistical side, the election of President Obama did not make the US a shinning city on a hill, it was that before Obama and will be after Obama, the above shows what can happen if you read your own press statements and think they are true.   The Obama Administration has been a disaster for US on the domestic front, thus with the case of ObamaCare and on the international front with the birth of Daesh in the Middle East and the deaths in Syria.  The election of Donald Trump is a rejection of the Obama legacy, that can be hard to take, no President wants to feel rejected.