Thursday, October 23, 2014

Kobane Update Part 2 - War on Terror 2

Lets Get Real:

The Kobani or Kobane front seems like a World War One Trench warfare, two sides in endless fighting, gaining a bit of land, but then having to give it up, at the end US entry in World War One helped break deadlock on the Western Front, it will take US ground troops to break IS in Kobane, the Kurds do not have the men or arms, they are getting air drops, but as the article notes this might not happen again and IS have retaken the land for the drops, also the Turks have been slow in allowing Kurds to cross the border as to fight IS.   One has to presume that the US has spotters on the ground, hence boots on the ground, the Kobane front needs US boots on the ground, that is the only way that Kobane can be a net plus for the Oval. 

Ottawa Update - War on Terror 2

Lets Get Real:

Thus there are links to the Middle East but from reports as noted in this article above the Canadian Police view the attacks of yesterday as a long wolf operation, they are the hardest to stop as there is no terror cell, so no leaks, the Internet can be held to blame in many respects, these terror groups can broadcast their hate views without any one to stop them, it is about time the West used Intelligence to close down these sites, make it harder for mad men to access such criminal views, also there needs to be more control of the Internet, close down other criminal threats, freedom, comes at a price, thus this blog is calling for more Western co-operation when it comes to Internet, the West should not be afraid to pull the plug on some sites, if it saves lives then strong government actions should be supported. 

Kobane Update - War on Terror 2

Lets Get Real:

This is good news, lets hope IS sends hundreds more of its fighters to be killed, they are the lowest of the low, they have no humanity thus deserve their fate.    The IS and Al Qaeda groups are a threat to Syria, Iraq and the region.   IS has made Kobane a strategic important, thus the hundreds of its fighters have been send to take on the Kurds, who ever wins Kobane has good PR points, while the loser will have to regroup.   The Oval can not afford to lose Kobane, this close to the US Mid Term elections, thus must carry on no matter what, the Western Allies also have to worry that IS will be a bigger threat to Baghdad over the coming, days, weeks and months,  they have to be pushed back in Iraq.    

Russia vs. NATO - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

President Putin of Russia is pushing his luck, he has seen the West fold over the Crimea, a weak reaction to Russian troops in East Ukraine, he is now trying his luck with the Baltic States.   The next time Putin makes a move, and he will make a move the West has to have a strong reaction, what if tries to cause unrest in Baltic States, they ALL have minority Russian populations, what if they call to be allowed to part of a Greater Russia.   The problem of Russia in a way is more troubling that IS in Syria and Iraq, it only takes a wrong move by Putin for the World to have another Cuban Missile Crisis, and this time POTUS can not sell out a NATO member like JFK did with Turkey.   The flashpoint is coming, as sure as the Bear is a symbol of Russia, a bear is always after more food, thus the same with Russia wanting either a Greater Russia or the old USSR back.