CNN - Politics: Reports " Steyer, a former hedge-fund manager with an estimated net worth of $1.6 billion, already has spent more than $18.7 million on advertising to target South Carolina voters, swamping all of his rivals, according to Kantar Media's Campaign Media Analysis Group. "
Lets Get Real:
Thus we shall see if money can buy you a State, Steyer has spent the money and has a large local staff. It would be a major upset if Steyer beat Biden, it would mean that African - American firewall so stressed by Biden had failed, and it can be postulated that Biden would retire from the game. It would help Biden if his former boss, President Obama came out and supported him. The former President has warned the Democratic Party that if it goes far to left it will not get elected. The moderate lane has Biden, Buttgieg and Klobuchar, it can be speculated that Senator Klobuchar will get a bounce from her come back from political death in New Hampshire. None of the candidates seem to have caught fire like Obama did in 2008.