Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Memoirs of Edward VIII, the Duke of Windsor vs Prince Harry - Royal News

Lets Get Real:

There are many similarities between Edward VIII, the Duke of Windsor  and Prince Harry, they youth were effected by on the Duke's part a strict Victorian up bringing, while Prince Harry saw his parents divorce, and his mother lose here HRH on her divorce, the Duke of Windsor was a playboy in the 1920s, while Prince got himself to one scrape after another, William is seen as the stable one.  On the other hand both Edward and Harry served their Countries during a time of WAR, Edward was in France, he was kept from anything really dangerous, while Harry went to Afghanistan twice, once on the ground and then in the air.   Then both meet Americans, who have been divorced, Edward needed Mrs Simpson, while Harry sees to need the backbone of his wife, Meghan Markle.  The Duke of Windsor was furious that his wife was not given the title of HRH, it seems about time that the Queen removed that from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, they have to be shown that no one is bigger than the firm.

The Files, The Files Part 2 - Tony Blair Era - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The question that has to be asked, was where were the press, the British press on the whole gave the first Labour Administration a FREE PASS, the fact that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were at war came out much later, and it was only the IRAQ war that broke the thumb over the Blair Government over the press.  One wonders if any of the above will be reported by the liberal left wing press, that includes BBC News, not their web page, Sky News not their web page, Channel four, Guardian, and of course the Times, that paper has gone very LEFT WING, it can not stand Boris and Brexit supporters.  At least some of the web pages have the story. 

The Files, The Files - Tony Blair Era - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

To think in the modern day a message of this importance was signed off by a No 10 official, without the PM writing or approving it, this shows why we ended up sofa government of the Blair Era and the mess of Iraq.  It has been nearly 24 years since the massive landslide of the Blair first Government.  The real interesting files will come later, IRAQ, AFGHNAISTAN, were there any worries about the economy around 2007 and why didn't Blair or Brown see the sub prime market going down the toilet.  It always comes down to the files, the real hidden truth of Government.