Fox News: Reports that NSA Susan Rice is the driving force for the closing down of Embassies through North Africa and the Middle East due to the Al Qaeda threat, the article notes the following, " ..trying to avoid Benghazi repeat, as Al Qaeda leader pushes for new attack ".
Lets Get Real:
Lets recall folks the Benghazi deaths are still scandal, as noted in this blog the actions of the CIA that night are still open for debate, why did not the Oval send in a rescue team, why are CIA Officers being forced to keep quiet, thus no wonder Rice does not want another Benghazi, but closing down Embassies for a week plays in to the hands of the terrorists, they win by default, they want the West to change their work patters, well closing Embassies at this rate is a terrorist win, the US can not forever close down its Embassies and Consulates, the Oval has to go on the offensive, not just drone strikes, it has to place troops on the ground in Yemen, take the War to the Terrorists, not just wait to be hit, time for ACTION, time for Obama to be another Kennedy or Reagan, tough Presidents who lead, who did not lead from behind. The War on Terror will go on for a long time folks.