Saturday, May 19, 2012

NYT on Merkel of Germany

The New York Times: Has the following tough Editorial on German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her austerity policy on Greece and the EU, " This is no time to mince words: Her one-size-fits-all austerity program has been a failure.. ".

Lets Get Real:

This is the uber liberal and bloated NYT wanting to spend money, it does not get the fact that the US is heading for a debt of 16 trillion, that EU States minus Germany are broke, that their idea of policy is tax the rich, in other words its the typical left wing rubbish you expect from the NYT and Labour in the UK. The Welfare State created since 1945 in the US and the EU can not be afford folks, sooner or later and it will be sooner the US and the EU will get the fact that the idea that the State can look after you from birth to death will kill that States in economic terms. The very success of the welfare state means that people live longer, thus benefits never go down, they always go up, if you tax people at 100% then you don't get any money in, that simple folks. Why should someone create a business when the left wants to make people that make money hate figures, why go through such a critical review, why bother, that's the question that the left never have an answer, they just want to tax, it never works folks, just look at the UK in the 70s, it was the sick man of Europe, over taxed and no up and go to create business, the EU is heading in that direction folks, the left never has any real answers just slogans, ah for a leaders like Lady Thatcher or Ronald Reagan, the greats, but they don't come around that often folks.