Monday, June 04, 2018

I can Pardon Myself - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

As this blog has stated, if President Trump did pardon himself it would be the ultimate reality show moment, if POTUS is planning such a move he should do it while the Republicans control the House and Senate.    This would force the Democrats to run on impeaching the President, that would get Democrats and Republicans out to vote.  It can postulated that the Trump Lawyers think that POTUS is above the law, not even the lawyers for Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton argued that point!!  The Russia investigation goes on, it does seem endless!!

Bill Clinton on Monica - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Old Hound Dog never learns, he feels sorry for himself, what about Monica Lewinsky, he threw her under the bus then and now.  One does think that small part of HRC losing in 2016 was people were worried what a bored Bill Clinton would get up to in the White House
 if he was First Husband.  The Clintons are well off, Bill Clinton might be under a cloud because of the Metoo movement, would he remain if Office now if the scandal how broken now and he was President, one has doubts that BC would have fallen on his sword, he would have fought it now as then.   Some old Hounds never learn. 

The Brexit Bill - Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The UK Government is taking a risk, the amendments by the House of Lords could be upheld by the House of Commons.   PM May should make concessions were she can, the May Government could fall if May loses an important vote.  It will be a long day on June 12 for MPs, the House of Lords Amendments will be voted on through the day and night.  It will make for interesting coverage !!

The Brexit Bill - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The UK Government should make concessions, it should allow the UK to stay in the Customs Union and the Single Market.  The main point is to get out of the EU, as stated many times by this blog, if the House of Commons votes to stay in the Single Market it will prevent any future Labour Government from taking over large areas of the UK economy.   Also it makes more economic and culture sense.   This blog just wishes the hard remainers were more likable, they are not, the hard Brexit supporters at least have their heart in the right place if not their brain.