Thursday, April 19, 2007


The BBC has a new season on The Edwardians, if you have a chance have a look, one thing for the BBC they know how to do History and make it interesting and fun.

If you though modern fast food was bad have a look at EDWARDIAN SUPERSIZE ME, if VIEWS had to eat that much in a year he would be dead and with gout. On the other hand there are worse ways to go in this modern world.

Iraq Today

A death toll that can reach 200 in one day makes Views wonder is the bloody surge working, the point of the surge was to limit the violence but it can be argued it is not working, 200 deaths today, how many since the invasion, in the thousands, when does it end, when can Iraq have peace and when can the USA and the UK bring its troops home, at what point do you stop digging a worse hole.