The New York Times: Has the following on its Editorial on Trump and ObamaCare, " Mr. Trump is threatening to kill a program in the A.C.A. that pays health insurers to offer plans with lower deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses to about seven million lower-income and middle-class people. The president thinks that this will get Democrats to negotiate changes to the 2010 health law. "
Lets Get Real:
At the end of the day, President Trump WON the election, not Hillary Clinton, the Democrats have been saying NO to all the policies coming out of the Oval Office. The Trump Administration should knife ObamaCare in the back, force the Democrats to the table, if they want to save aspects of ObamaCare well they have to talk to the Oval Office. At present ObamaCare is on a nosedive, the insurance companies are getting out, in some States they are no insurance companies for middle class or the poor, thus it needs reform, the Trump Administration wants to talk, the Democrats should take up their offer or else ObamaCare will get steel shoes and will dive like the Titanic.