Telegraph: Reports that the Taliban/Terrorists are mounting their own surge to counter the Obama surge of US troops in to Afghanistan. Lets hope the Taliban/Terrorists stand and fight, it would be a military mistake, in one to one fight between USA Forces and the Taliban, the USA will always win. It seems from the Telegraph report that the Taliban are not stupid they are going for insurgent tactics, in other words IED's and sneak attacks, it is reported that the USA has already lost seven soldiers in combat since the surge. Thus the War in Afghanistan has become Obama's War. Thus the good deal between the USA and Russia that allows USA to move troops and equipment through Russia, these shipments are less open to attack. It has been reported that Liberals in Congress have given Obama a year to get a handle on Afghanistan, its going to take longer and more deaths. Obama might wanted this just war but war is bloody and not on political timetables, thus President Obama will have to show some backbone next year if Afghanistan is not working, the Liberal Left will want to cut and run, Obama knows he can not afford to be another Jimmy Carter. Thus Obama like LBJ in 1968 could face a challenge for the nomination in 2012.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Review of the US - Russian Summit

BBC News: Reports on the US - Russian Summit between President Obama and President Medvedev of Russia. The most interesting part of the Press Conference it can be argued was the news that Russia has agreed to allow the USA to transport weapons and troops to Afghanistan through Russia. This benefits both the USA and Russia. On the USA side it helps that it does not have to relay on Pakistan, the Taliban/Terrorists have been successful in attacking Western Military Convoys from Pakistan to Afghanistan. As from the Russian perspective they have their own Islamic problem, also they have been burnt in Afghanistan during the USSR period. Thus USA owes them a favour, also its pay back time for the defeat of the USSR in Afghanistan. This is real politics at is most brutal and beneficial for both sides. As to the agreements on nuclear levels, this is a sideshow, who thinks there is going to be World War 3. The USA has developed better nuclear missiles and the Russian missiles are old. Thus in some respects it benefits Russia to cut the levels. As to missile defence, it can be argued that Obama cant really give the store away, there is Iran, the Congress well the Conservative Blue Dogs in the House and Senate will not allow Obama to sell the store on this issue while Iran and North Korea are a threat. Thus in pure real political terms both sides get something out of the deal, the USA can supply its troops in Afghanistan through Russia, the Russia bear gets the respects it wants and it owed a favour by the USA. A good Summit, but lets not thinks this is a NEW DAWN. In the time of the British Empire we played the Great Game with Russia, now its the USA. The Russia bear should be respected but its weak and old, the appearance of respect yes but not a veto to Western Policy. Lets hope Obama knows the difference between spin and the old Reagan line, TRUST BUT VERIFY.
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