Sunday, January 24, 2016

Trump Surges in Iowa and New Hampshire - Fox Poll

Lets Get Real:

IF Trump takes Iowa and New Hampshire it could all be over, it would show Trump's appeal to religious Conservatives, one of the main core of supporters for Senator Ted Cruz.   The Donald  and his ability to attract news coverage means that he will not have to spend his billions to win the Republican nomination.   That is the other bonus for the Republican Party its nominee can just write a cheque for his campaign, while HRC will have to be on the phone from the start is getting money, it could come down to that in the end, if its a match between HRC and the Donald, who has the bigger wallet. 

Corbyn Sells out the Falklands - Corbyn Manina

Lets Get Real:

Thus a another split within the Labour Party, the leader wants to get rid of Trident, while his MPs want a nuclear armed UK, the leaders wants to give up the Falklands,  while that is not the policy of the Party.    The majority of sane Labour MPs must act to save the Party, they have to combine and support one candidate to replace Corbyn, then the Labour Party can grow up, otherwise they will spend decades out of power.   Lady T must be smiling from above. 

Biden on Daesh - War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

The Obama Administration has thousands of Special Forces Soldiers in Iraq, and a few in Syria, the question is will the US voter in an election year support the sending of large number of troops to Iraq and Syria, and what is the EXIT point, will there ever be an exit point for the West.  It will be interesting to see how former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reacts to ground troops, the same with Sanders, it generally taken as fact that HRC is more hawkish, but can she afford to be hawkish when she is running in the Democratic Party.   The Party under Obama is more left wing that when her husband was in the Oval Office, will they support ground troops.   There is a need for ground troops, but is there public support, calling them Special Forces will not cut the argument, thousands of boots on the ground are still in a conflict zone.