Tuesday, October 06, 2020

POTUS Home after Hospital Treatment - US Presidential Election

Lets Get Real:

President Trump must know that he will fail to get a 2nd term, the COVID - 19 shock has not seen an increase in his poll numbers, and the economic collapse is still going on.  One can expect POTUS to be the last showman, he will not be happy to be tied to the White House, he will demand to go out to see his ever loyal base.  All VP Biden has to do, is not get COVID - 19 and bring some dignity back to the Presidency.  The 24/7 news channels are obsessed with the idea that Trump is hiding his real health status, thus a reason for his cocktail of drugs to fight COVID - 19.   When we get a Biden Presidency it will be nice to have a quite time, no tweets, no self promoted press conferences.  The Trump Presidency has shown the limit of a TV Reality show President.