Monday, November 13, 2017

The BAD Concession to Parliament, Remainers Plot to Stop Brexit

Lets Get Real:

Thus we are seeing the END of real democracy in the UK, the people voted to leave the EU, but the stubborn remainers are willing to end UK democracy for the love of EU.   One does wonder WHY they love the EU so much, is it believe that the EU is still the future for the UK or have they got secret jobs on offer if they halt Brexit.    The voters should email, phone, text their MP and tell them to vote how the Country voted, UK Democracy is on a CLIFF, the Remainers must not be allowed to win. 

The House of Commons and Lords to have final say on Brexit - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The Conservative Government has shown it weakness by agreeing that Parliament will have the final say about Brexit.  This concession is a MASSIVE mistake, the remainers will use this period to block any bill, the Labour Party policy has been taken over by remainers, the Liberal Democrats just love the EU.   There will be endless close votes in Parliament, we could see the reverse of Brexit, this is a sad day for UK Democracy.