CNN: Interesting article on the role of Vice - President - Elect Joe Biden in an Obama Administration. The article suggests that Biden should be used on the Hill to get the Obama Agenda Passed by the Congress. Biden is a lose cannon, he loves to talk, lets recall his statement that President Obama would face a crisis within his first year. Biden should be allowed to talk, but on a plane and doing a lot of visits, Obama should pick someone that he trusts to keep on eye on Biden, make sure he keeps to the Agenda. Obama like Reagan should use his power to get his Agenda through, Reagan in his first year was on the Phone to House or Senate members seeking their support, he visited Congress more than Jimmy Carter ever did over four years. Thus Obama should be the front man for his own Agenda and Biden should be on a very long World Tour, in four years you can cover a lot of the world.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Car Industry - USA
The New York Times: Reports that the USA car Industry now needs to be bailed out, Bush will do a deal if he gets a Free Trade Agreement through Congress, the Democrats just want the money. At what point will Democrats and Republicans see that sometime you have to say No to an Industry no matter the cost. This is what happened in the UK in the 1980s, Lady Thatcher would not fund Industries that lost money for the tax payer. The Car Companies if they go belly up, due so because they can not compete in the modern market. If you bail out the Car Industry what next American Football. Its better to be harsh now, make sure that workers are looked after and given new training than keep a bankrupt Industry in the game. This was the UK as the sick man of Europe in the 1970s, the USA will be hit hard by the Car Makers going out of business but the USA will hurt more if it keeps a bad company going. Obama is a Liberal he will bail out the Car Industry next year, but this wont fix the problem, they are not effective in the market, thus one day in the future Obama will have to say No to another bailout or the USA will get another Reagan or Lady Thatcher, these two leaders changed the map, bough the UK and the USA out of recession and weakness, does Obama have the back bone to say No to the Liberals, Unions, the Main Stream Media.
The Future of Drudge ?
Slate: Reports on the history and the future of the Drudge Report. It is simple for this blogger, if you blog you read Drudge, its that simple.
Let us Remember
At the 11 Hour of the 11 Day, of the 11 Month lets us Remember all those that have died so we can be free. Let us never forget the sacrifice of those that gave the ultimate for their country so we can be free. Let us also remember those still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Obama the New Reagan ?
WSJ: Reports that polls show that the Reagan Agenda is not finished. That Obama followed the Reagan Campaign book on how to get elected, the question the article asks " Will he be able to govern that way, too? " . I think the most important question for new President is his staff in the Reagan mould, in 81 Reagan had an economic mess to deal with, the one issue on the Agenda was the Economy. In 81 when the then Secretary of State, General Haig wanted to make Foreign Policy the top issue he was shut down by the White House, it was the economy. The problem the Obama Presidency will face is as stated that he has an economic 9/11 and two wars going on, also the terrorists will try to see if he is weak. Thus President Obama might want to deal with the economy at first but to quote and old British PM, " Events, Events " might over take him. In 2000 Bush it should be noted wanted a humble Foreign Policy, he didn't want to Police the World. The World came knocking on 9/11, Bush has the lowest historical approval rating of any President, including Nixon, but so did Truman. If Obama makes a mess of the first year you will see that Bush will get a better report card from History. Obama is good with speeches but one to one he does seem a bit cold, very academic, he needs some acting lessons to look warm with people. Reagan had the ability to become the American Ideal of a President, does Obama, time will tell for President Obama.
Bush 43 and Obama 44

The first meeting between President - Elect Obama and the out going President George W. Bush. This transition recalls the 1980 transition between Carter and Reagan, then the USA faced the hostages being held by Iran. Today the USA is in two wars, Iraq and Afghanistan, and the biggest Economic Crisis since 1929. It is important that this transition has no flaws, the enemies of the United States are looking for weakness, thus Iran or the terrorist could try something between now and the Inaugural of Obama. In Iraq we have seen a surge in bombings, the terrorist are sending a test to the United States, the Obama Administration in 2009 can expect a massive surge in bombings and other terrorist attacks. President Obama has stated that he wants the USA out of Iraq in under two years, well the terrorist want the USA out of Iraq with their tails between their legs. Think South Vietnam in 1975, choppers taking people from the Embassy while leaving thousands to their fate at the hands of North Vietnam. Thus while Obama will want to do a Reagan and deal with the Economy he will face a International Test sooner than he might want and if he makes a mistake it could effect his entire Presidency. At the end of the the Presidency of Bush 41 he sent troops in to Somalia, when Bill Clinton took over he took the troops out, this was seen as weak by the terrorists, thus we in some respects 9/11. The Obama Presidency in its early days will face a test not unlike JFK in 1961, lets be honest that didnt go well either, the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Lets hope Obama selects the best National Security Team, as it can be postulated the new Administration will be tested in 2009.
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