Fox News: Reports that the US Attorney General has stated than no terrorists from Guantanamo Bay will be released in to the United States after Guantanamo Bay is closed. The simple reason for this statement is nothing to do with the Law, its the political fact that if a terrorist is released and a attack was to happen on the US soil due to a release the Obama Administration would be finished. Thus I can almost promise you that how ever Liberal Obama is no terrorists will be released as long as Obama is in the Oval Office.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
T - Day ( Taliban Day )
BBC News: Reports that PM of Pakistan has announced that the Taliban threat is going to confronted and removed. The Taliban is a real threat to the security of Pakistan and to the West in Afghanistan. After the Taliban is destroyed, the US and the UK will have to help the civic structure of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and in the Swat Valley. The West has to get the people of these areas to support the Government of Pakistan, in other words win the minds and hearts of these people. This can be done with economic help, allow for job prospects, help with the building of roads, schools, hospitals. Allow the people to see that the future is in a secular Pakistan not in an Islamic Fundamentalist State.
Death in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports on the death of another UK Soldier in combat. The total of those killed in combat operations is 125, another 29 have died due to illness, accident or other incidents. Thus in the Afghanistan Operational Theatre the UK has lost 154 UK Personnel from the Armed Forces. This is why Pakistan is in important, as long as the Taliban/Terrorists have a safe heaven on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and in the Swat Valley the UK will lose more soldiers. It is important that the Army of Pakistan with its military operations in the Swat Valley, Buner, Low Dir District finishes the Taliban as a threat to Pakistan and Western Troops in Afghanistan.
Outside the Box - Pakistan
Chicago Tribune: Has an article on the crisis in Pakistan, looking outside the box, asking are we seeing the the whole truth. Is it really a major crisis, the article ask is Pakistan another Iraq. Read of the Day.
Is Afghanistan and Pakistan the next Vietnam War ?
The Nation: Reports that Congressional Liberals are getting worried that Obama is the new Richard Nixon ( in my case its LBJ ) and that the War in Afghanistan and the problems in Pakistan is the new Vietnam War. I have never agreed with any articles in the Bible for Liberals; if Liberals had faith; but I totally agree with this article. Its slight surprising but those that have read this blog will know that I have argued that Afghanistan is the new Vietnam, and that Obama is the new LBJ. The difference between this blog and the Liberals is that I want troops placed in the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. I want the West, in this case the USA and the UK to clear out the Taliban/Terrorists from their safe heavens on the border and in the Swat Valley. This would be costly in deaths and money, but you cant win in Afghanistan if the Taliban can run over the border to Pakistan. Think Vietcong in South Vietnam, they got supplied from North Vietnam, and could always go back to the North. Does this sound like recent events in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is why Obama will be a one term President, thus expect a Republican victory in 2012.
War Strategy, USA, Afghanistan and Pakistan

White House: Text of President Obama's remarks on his meeting with the Presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The headline remarks are the following, " We meet today as three sovereign nations joined by a common goal: to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and its extremist allies in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and to prevent their ability to operate in either country in the future. And to achieve that goal, we must deny them the space to threaten the Pakistani, Afghan, or American people. And we must also advance security and opportunity, so that Pakistanis and Afghans can pursue the promise of a better life......The security of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the United States are linked. In the weeks that have followed, that truth has only been reinforced. Al Qaeda and its allies have taken more lives in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and have continued to challenge the democratically-elected governments of the two Presidents standing here today. Meanwhile, al Qaeda plots against the American people -- and people around the world -- from their safe haven along the border......Every day, we see evidence of the future that al Qaeda and its allies offer. It's a future filled with violence and despair. It's a future without opportunity or hope. That's not what the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan want, and it's not what they deserve. The United States has a stake in the future of these two countries. We have learned, time and again, that our security is shared. It is a lesson that we learned most painfully on 9/11, and it is a lesson that we will not forget. " I think its safe to say Bush 43 could have stated those words. The reality is that Obama has two Diem's on his hands, he needs them but they are weak within their own countries. The main worry is Pakistan will lose control of its nuclear weapons, the Army of Pakistan has stated that they are safe, but it can be postulated that neither Afghanistan or Pakistan are safe bets, more risky poker and the fact that the West could lose big time.
The Misery of War for the Innocent - Pakistan
The New York Times: Reports on the refuges from the battles between the Army of Pakistan and the Taliban/Terrorists. The front includes the Swat Valley, the Lower Dir and Buner Districts, that Buner is still a War Zone is a surprise. That the Army of Pakistan is still fighting the Taliban is Buner should be of concern, the Army went in mob handed some time ago, and they are not winning. The Taliban had agreed to remove their men from Buner, it was even filmed as to show proof. But as it was reported later the local Taliban did not leave. Thus one has to ask did the Taliban from the Swat Valley really leave, just spin the story for the media. Also both CNN and Fox have based on reports from the region have called it an all out War. One has to ask how much fire power does the Taliban have, as in the heavy stuff, tanks, etc. Also how many secret Taliban Cells are hidden around Pakistan and are awaiting the word to strike, think Iraq and the bad years. This could get very messy folks.
Nuclear Armed Iran ?
Fox News: Reports that the US Congress believes that the USA has underestimated the progress done by Iran when it comes to its nuclear ambitions. It can be postulated that after the War in Afghanistan and the internal problems in Pakistan, Iran is the next major issue for the Obama Administration. The President has tried peace feelers, so far with no luck. The recent reports that the Obama Administration is of the view that Israel will have to agree to a Palestinian State to get International Community to take action against shows how out of touch Obama is when it comes to the Middle East. As stated the Israeli Lobby is very powerful in US domestic politics, Obama can not afford before the Mid Term Congressional Election of 2010 to lose the Jewish vote to the Republicans. Thus it can be postulated that while the Liberal Media wants Obama to bully Israel, Obama will take a slow approach, he might need Israel to bomb Iran, its that simple folks, time is not Obama's side when it comes to Iran. The moment Iran declares she is a armed nuclear power, Israeli planes will be in the air on a bombing raid.
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