Thursday, May 07, 2009

Is Afghanistan and Pakistan the next Vietnam War ?

The Nation: Reports that Congressional Liberals are getting worried that Obama is the new Richard Nixon ( in my case its LBJ ) and that the War in Afghanistan and the problems in Pakistan is the new Vietnam War. I have never agreed with any articles in the Bible for Liberals; if Liberals had faith; but I totally agree with this article. Its slight surprising but those that have read this blog will know that I have argued that Afghanistan is the new Vietnam, and that Obama is the new LBJ. The difference between this blog and the Liberals is that I want troops placed in the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. I want the West, in this case the USA and the UK to clear out the Taliban/Terrorists from their safe heavens on the border and in the Swat Valley. This would be costly in deaths and money, but you cant win in Afghanistan if the Taliban can run over the border to Pakistan. Think Vietcong in South Vietnam, they got supplied from North Vietnam, and could always go back to the North. Does this sound like recent events in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is why Obama will be a one term President, thus expect a Republican victory in 2012.

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