Thursday, March 24, 2022

NATO to supply Ukraine with defensive equipment against WMD - Russian - Ukraine War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

If the Russians use WMD against Ukraine that should be a very RED LINE, Biden must inform the Kremlin in public or private that such a use would bring in the US and NATO.  The use of chemical weapons in Europe would be a disaster for the Ukraine and the West, as Putin is on the back foot he might think he has nothing to lose, let's recall that in 1905 the Russian Fleet was taken down by Imperial Japan, this lead to the 1905 Revolution that lead to the formation of the Imperial Duma in Russia, Nicholas 11 was forced to give on this issue due to the failure of the Imperial Fleet.   Thus a massive failure of the Ukraine WAR could get the people back on the streets, of course that is if they get to know about it, as Putin has blocked free and western MEDIA in Russia.  Putin has a LOST to LOSE, his alleged Yacht being the first target.  After that how much of the outside forces can Putin control, shops closed, places with no sugar, the Russian economy in the toilet, could this be Putin's 1905 OR 1917 MOMENT. 

Ukraine destroys Russian Landing Craft - Russian - Ukraine War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

This will be a great to boost to the Ukraine forces in the field fighting the Russians, of course the Russian people will NEVER HEAR about it, as Putin controls the news media in Russia and has blocked Facebook and Twitter.  The level of deaths of Russian soldiers of between seven to fifteen thousand must be getting through the Putin Iron Wall on the media, the younger generation must know how to get around such walls, thus they will get information, the people of Russian need to get on the street to demonstrate against the WAR, its illegal and against a fellow Slav people, they share the same culture and history, the WAR is about Putin's wrong reading of history and his aim to be the modern TSAR, the  sole autocrat of Russia.  Let's recall Nicholas 11 went to WAR in World War 1 over Serbia, while Putin is attacking a fellow Slav. The ironies  of history.

North Korean launch ICBM Test - The Other Crisis - New Cold War 2

The White House: Statement by the White House Press Secretary on the North Korean Launch, " The United States strongly condemns the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)  for its test of a long-range ballistic missile. On March 10th, the United States Government publicly released information that the DPRK’s tests on February 26 and March 4, 2022 EST involved an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) system. We noted that there would likely be further tests in the future. The President and his national security team are assessing the situation in close coordination with our allies and partners.  This launch is a brazen violation of multiple UN Security Council resolutions and needlessly raises tensions and risks destabilizing the security situation in the region. This action demonstrates that the DPRK continues to prioritize its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs over the well-being of its people.  We urge all countries to hold the DPRK accountable for such violations and call on the DPRK to come to the table for serious negotiations.  The door has not closed on diplomacy, but Pyongyang must immediately cease its destabilizing actions. The United States will take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the American homeland and Republic of Korea and Japanese allies.  "

Lets Get Real:

The Biden Oval will do nothing, it cant because North Korea has a lot of nukes and has shown it does not care a bit what the US or the UN says.  The latest launches are to remind the Biden Oval that it has other other crisis points, it seems that the US has appeased Iran and the Obama nuclear deal should be back on, problem being that the Russians have thrown a great big wrench to the talks, they wont come around as long as Russia is in the Ukraine or PUTIN is still in power in the Kremlin.  The South Korean people have voted in a candidate for President who will be tougher on NORTH KOREA, of course the South can say this as there are US troops in South Korea and the US will protect the South should the North Invade,  what if Pyongyang invades while the Russians are in the Ukraine, this would mean that US troops would be in combat against North Korea and their ally China.  Also it can be speculated what if China goes for Taiwan at the same time, does anyone think that the Biden Oval could cope with a multi CRISIS event, this blog has great doubts.  Let's hope Biden and the West get lucky and its only the Russians in the Ukraine. 

Biden on the NATO Summit - Russian - Ukraine War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

This confirms what the NATO Secretary General said yesterday, NATO will form four new battle groups on the EAST FLANK of NATO.  This should send a CLEAR signal to Russia, do not even think of hitting a NATO Country, also that NATO is united if Putin uses WMD.  The commentary sees the Russian - Ukraine War going on, back to the trenches of 1914, with Russia being Germany, and the Ukraine representing the Allies of the UK and France, the US and UK will supply defensive weapons to the Ukraine, but no fighter jets that the Poles have spare, they do not want to cross any of Putin red lines.  It can be speculated that President Putin is not a patient man, he knows every day he loses troops or ships ( latest report has the Ukrainian hitting a Russian Cargo Ship ) the his regime becomes under threat, thus one is sorry to say that one can see Russian using WMD, chemical or biological weapons, the the Biden will have to show nerve to back Putin off, otherwise he will think he can use anything he wants, nuclear even.   Long Days and Nights for this brutal WAR.