Thursday, June 26, 2008

Grow Up Mr President!

CNN: Reports on pressure for Bill Clinton to come out in full support of Obama. No chance, this was his last chance to get beyond Impeachment, his wife was meant to win, he would be her second in command, and it didn't happen, Bill Clinton wants Obama to win as much as Tony Blair really wants Gordon Brown to win, get real people!! Bill Clinton will be the the guy between the Bush Presidencies.

Our Poll is RIGHT

Newsweek: Goes to bat for its own Poll, when you have to do that your in trouble! Worth a Read, its fun.

Iran the Left

Guardian: A Editorial from the left wing Guardian that at its heart wants to do nothing about a nuclear armed Iran. Go back to the 1930s and you get the The Times wanting to Appease Hitler. Thank God Israel will not wait for another Munich to be sold out by the weakness of the Western Left. NOT THE GUARDIAN'S BEST DAY.

Gun Control and the 08 Race

BBC News: Reports on the decision by the US Supreme Court to allow greater Gun Ownership in the United States. As could be expected, the Republicans supported the move while the Democrats want more restrictions on the individual having a gun for legal use such as for the protection of his or her home, Obama in his reaction wants to have it both ways, guidance from the Court but local Laws for different areas of the USA. I think on this issue the Court was wrong and I support the Democrats, being over the water in the UK, even today am shocked to see Police Officers with guns, with the exception of the military and police on the whole support tough anti gun laws. In today's day and age, the use of firearms is to common, thus the need for restriction.

Dr No is Senator Obama

CNN: Reports on a new political Ad by the McCain Camp, it is an Ad that will try to define Obama as a prisoner of the Liberal Elite. The Elite that does not understand the concerns of the folks, is concernd more with the welfare of animals than getting Oil. The folks need cheap gas now, not in 5-10 years that the Obama plan would try to solve the problem.

Good Politics

Politico: Reports on a good move by Senator Obama, this shows his move to the centre and he will stand up to the Liberal Bloggers out there in cyberspace. The Senator will support wiretapping of those that are a threat to the USA. This is a great move by the Senator, the Politico writes the following, " His stance on the FISA bill, however, has brought Obama back down to earth, in part because the liberal blogosphere cares more about civil liberties than many of the other traditional issues that have long dominated the Democratic agenda. " It can be argued that from a political angle this is a great move, Obama what ever some of the polls state is in a close race with McCain he can not be seen as weak on national security. This support of wiretapping allows him to state that he is the change, that he will challenge the Liberal Establishment. All the Senator has to do now is move his views in Iraq and Iran.

A New Poll - Gallup

Gallup: A new Poll and we have a tied race, both McCain and Obama on 45%. Thus the polls have gone from tied to a Obama lead of 12% - 15%. This shows its early folks, we have a long race, its not in the bag for Senator Obama. Lets recall McCain was seen as out of it last year, finished, but he won, the Obama Camp should not be to cocky, it has to move to the centre and it has to be for something, it cant get away with saying No to drilling and not having any any quick solutions, Obama has a real fight on his hands, a real fight in some respects even compared to his fight with Hillary Clinton.