Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Likely Voters and President Obama

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports: The pollster this blog uses in Presidential elections has a different result from Gallup, while Gallup uses Average voters the RR use likely voters, thus they have the following on President Obama’s poll ratings, a 54 % disapproval rating, and a 46 positive rating. Thus President Obama is not out of the woods yet folks, he has lost Independents and moderate Republicans over ObamaCare, the extension of the Bush 43 tax cuts have helped but Obama is still seen as out there, to left wing, too liberal. Lets recall the Republican Congress will make President Obama own ObamaCare, he will have to defend it every time a death panel discussion comes up or people lose cover due to ObamaCare. It is a long time to 2012 folks but not that long, the Republicans runners will be come clear this year, Obama could face defeat if the Republicans come up with an acceptable candidate, not loved but seen as a respectable replacement to President Obama.

President Obama at 50% Approval

Gallup: Reports that President Obama has a 50% job approval rating at the start of the 112 Congress, while 43% disapprove of Obama’s job performance as President. This should be good news for the Obama White House, it gives President Obama more influence on the Hill if his ratings are above 50%. Also it helps the Obama re-election Campaign, its better to start at 50% and work it up than start at the low 40s and pray for re-election. But the real fights will come this year folks, President Obama unlike President Clinton will have to defend ObamaCare up to the November 2012 election, also the Republicans will make President Obama pay for any bailouts, he will have to compromise and this will sent the left bonkers, does not take a lot. Lets be clear this blog is still keeping to his prediction that President Obama will lose big in 2012 but its not set in stone folks, does President Obama want as second term, and is he willing to throw the left of the Democratic Party over the cliff to get that result. Interesting year ahead folks.

112 Congress - Republican House

House of Representatives Home Page: Has the latest Bills before the House and the votes passed by Congressmen and women. Lets see the Republican House place a block on the Obama Agenda, symbolic repeal of ObamaCare, then if it fails in the Senate the blocking of government money to set up ObamaCare. The debt threshold of the US Government should not be allowed to go above fourteen trillion, also if the States want to be bailed out then ObamaCare should be the 1st victim of any bailout. Lets play hardball with the 1st Chicago politician.