Wednesday, September 01, 2010

In my WORDS - Tony Blair

Read Tony Blair in his own words. The Web Site for the Memoirs of Tony Blair.

Does Blair SUPPORT the Coalition Government ?

Guardian: Reports that Tony Blair diverts from the Labour Party line when it comes public spending cuts, while the candidates for the Labour Leadership oppose any cuts , Tony Blair argues it should be what is cut not that there needs to be cuts. This will drive the Labour Party bonkers, the Coalition Government will use these words against Labour, is Tony Blair looking for a job in the Coalition, what about at the next Cabinet Reshuffle PM Cameron asks Mr Blair to reform Welfare as Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.

Brown Blackmailed Blair! = Cash for honours and Pension Reform

Telegraph: Reports that then Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown tried to blackmail his own PM, the article states that during the cash for honours investigation Mr Brown stated he would get Labour to have its own internal investigation if Mr Blair didn’t shelf pension reform. If true, this is hardball politics 101, it will do nothing for the political reputation of Gordon Brown, by his memoirs Tony Blair has painted Gordon Brown as a character with major flaws, from ruthless attempts to block New Labour reform, to causing the Labour defeat of 2010 by going back to old Labour. The FEUD is back on folks. Lets see what the supporters of Gordon Brown do to counter attack, the fun has just began folks.

Blair / Brown FEUD

The Daily Mail: Reports on the only UK interview that former Labour PM Tony Blair will give for the publication of his memoirs, the article states from sources that Mr Blair will blame Mr Brown for the May Defeat of Labour, Mr Blair will say that Mr Brown diverted from the New Labour Agenda. It seems from Blair down, through Lord Mandelson that the founders want someone to blame for the Labour loss in May, thus they have a simple target with Gordon Brown. As Mr Brown is in self exile in Scotland with the odd visit to the House of Commons the picture will be frozen in the minds of people that Mr Brown was a flawed character who diverted from New Labour with his spending spree and thus cost Labour a fourth term in power. As Mr Brown does not do people well, just ask Mrs Duffy, the picture will become the fact and Mr Brown will always be considered one of the worst PMs in UK history.

Guardian Exclusive - Blair on Brown = Disaster

Guardian: Reports on its exclusive interview with the former Labour PM Tony Blair, the former PM states that he knew that Mr Brown would be a disaster as PM due to his flawed character and his selling out of New Labour. One can hear the muffled cries of NO from ex Labour PM Gordon Brown in Scotland tonight, so far he has been stabbed in the back by Lord Mandelson and in the front by Tony Blair. One has to wonder how New Labour ever won three elections, the London Media must have been asleep at the wheel to allow these flawed characters to gain power. The memoirs of Tony Blair will really focus the mind of Labour members, do they support the heir of Tony Blair in the shape of David Miliband or do they go down the Gordon Brown route with Ed Miliband, the old New Labour founders are not going down without a fight, my money is on Blair and Mandelson.

Booze and Tony Blair

BBC News: Reports on the revelation by Tony Blair that he needed booze to keep afloat during his pressure days as PM while fighting his Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown. One can argue that this revelation is a mistake on the part of Mr Blair, you can see the cartoon writers having a field day, image a cartoon of Blair after a few drinks giving the green light for Iraq, and this blog supported the Iraq War for God sake. After reading the Campbell Diaries and the Memoirs of Lord Mandelson one can see why Mr Blair would need a drink, Mr Brown makes Richard Nixon look good when dealing with people just, also Mr Nixon was known to enjoy the odd drink, even the great War PM Winston Churchill enjoyed his drink, but Churchill had World War Two, Mr Blair had a pain in the backside of Gordon Brown, it can be argued that Mr Churchill had more justification.