Friday, May 31, 2013

The Benghazi EFFECT and Hillary Clinton - 2016

CNN - Politics: Reports on a new Quinnnipiac University Poll that shows that Hillary Clinton's favourable ratings have taken a hit, the article notes that the poll has found that Hillary gone from a 61% favourable rating down to 52%.

Lets Get Real:

The White House has thrown Hillary Clinton under the bus folks, someone has to take the fall for the Benghazi terrorist attack. the first US Ambassador killed in over 30 years, the emails released by the Obama White House shows the Clinton State Department had a role in white washing the policy of  the US after the attack.   The Clinton Camp has made a mistake when it stated that Hillary Clinton would not serve a 2nd term as US Secretary of State, the Clinton Camp can not divert attention, in essence Hillary Clinton does not have a job, if she does have a job it is running in 2016, this blog is starting to have doubts that she will run, there are to many weak spots in the Clinton Machine, the terrorist attack in Benghazi is the most major, the time for Hillary Clinton to have won the nomination was in 2008, she failed.   Although Mrs Clinton will be the same age as Ronald Reagan when he won his 1st Term, the harsh fact is that Hillary Clinton is NO Reagan, worse she is no Bill Clinton, her time might have just passed folks, political destiny is a cruel taskmaster, sometimes it only gives a candidate that once chance, that was 2008 for Clinton. 

Israel WARNS Russia OVER MISSILES - Syrian Update

Lets Get Real: 

One has doubts that Israel would try to take out the missiles as they were delivered by the Russians, it would mean taking on the Russians, lets be honest here, the modern Russia is NO USSR, but it still has a mighty bunch, also why get the Russian FSB angered, thus one can postulate that the Israeli Government would want the Mossad to run covert operations against the missiles or as Israel has done of late, place their planes in the air space Lebanon and try to take out the missiles that way, that is a risk, it has been reported that Assad has given the green light for his commanders to STRIKE Israel should Israel hit Syria again.    Thus folks once the missiles arrive in Syria expect more tension and a Israeli operation, it will happen folks, that is the way of the Middle East. 

AG Holder on the back foot with the PRESS

BBC News: Reports that Attorney General Holder has made concessions to the press on how the DOJ will go after leaks.

Lets Get  Real: 

Folks this is stalling, the AG does not want to get thrown under the bus by POTUS for causing waves around the Oval, the AG will promise what ever he thinks the press want to hear, then do NOTHING, this is a Chicago run Administration, when their hand is caught on the cook jar they promise it will not happen again, and once the heat is off they will be back to their usual tricks.  It is time for the Oval to sack the AG, move on the from the Fox/AP scandal, as long as Holder is at Justice the press will be giving the DOJ and the Oval a hard time, the first year of the second term is the time to get things passed, if the Oval has to take heat for Holder and his poor staff the can not get his Agenda through, time for the Chicago way to come to the White House and the Oval, time for Holder to GO!. 

Windows XP and Sound - NO Tardis SOUNDS!!

Folks any geeks out there who can tell me why my sound has gone off my DVD's.  I have spent most of last night trying to get it to work, my local computer shop spent most of the morning, no luck, so any bright ideas would get a thank you from this blog.    Thanks Again.