Friday, May 31, 2013

AG Holder on the back foot with the PRESS

BBC News: Reports that Attorney General Holder has made concessions to the press on how the DOJ will go after leaks.

Lets Get  Real: 

Folks this is stalling, the AG does not want to get thrown under the bus by POTUS for causing waves around the Oval, the AG will promise what ever he thinks the press want to hear, then do NOTHING, this is a Chicago run Administration, when their hand is caught on the cook jar they promise it will not happen again, and once the heat is off they will be back to their usual tricks.  It is time for the Oval to sack the AG, move on the from the Fox/AP scandal, as long as Holder is at Justice the press will be giving the DOJ and the Oval a hard time, the first year of the second term is the time to get things passed, if the Oval has to take heat for Holder and his poor staff the can not get his Agenda through, time for the Chicago way to come to the White House and the Oval, time for Holder to GO!. 

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