Guardian - Live Syria Blog: Reports the following in its 5.03pm post, " A letter sent by Hagel to two senators on the subject of reported chemical weapons use in Syria "hints that a broad US response is not imminent," .
Lets Get Real:
It is reported that Secretary Kerry has stated that the Syrian Regime has used chemical weapons twice, it seems that Kerry and Hagel have dropped the Oval right in it, when your Secretaries of Defence and State both confirm the use of chemical weapons, and the Oval is using weasel words to avoid taking action you have a major problem, that is the reason not to have strong or independent men or women in these senior posts, they are less under the control of the White House. Thus the Oval as two choices, and only two, take action, and lose its domestic base or give the green light to Assad to kill his own people with chemical weapons, if the Oval does not take action it will be seen as a green light, also Israel will start to think that any Obama promise over Iran is not worth the paper its written on, thus folks we come to a major crossroads for the Oval, War or Appeasement, lets see what happens folks.