Thursday, April 25, 2013

NO US Action over Syria - Syrian Update 2

Lets Get Real:

It is reported that Secretary Kerry has stated that the Syrian Regime has used chemical weapons twice, it seems that Kerry and Hagel have dropped the Oval right in it, when your Secretaries of Defence and State both confirm the use of chemical weapons, and the Oval is using weasel words to avoid taking action you have a major problem, that is the reason not to have strong or independent men or women in these senior posts, they are less under the control of the White House.   Thus the Oval as two choices, and only two, take action, and lose its domestic base or give the green light to Assad to kill his own people with chemical weapons, if the Oval does not take action it will be seen as a green light, also Israel will start to think that any Obama promise over Iran is not worth the paper its written on, thus folks we come to a major crossroads for the Oval, War or Appeasement, lets see what happens folks. 

Chemicals Weapons USED in Syria - US Confirmation

CNN - Politics: Reports breaking news, that the US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has confirmed that chemical weapons have been used in Syria. 

Lets Get Real:

As the above story broke folks the White House was using weasel words to get Obama out of doing anything, the Oval knows if it does anything in Syria the liberal base of the Democratic Party will jump on the Oval, but the lack of action means that the Assad Regime has the green light to attack its own people with the chemical weapons and that the word of the threats of the White House mean nothing in real terms.  The weasel words of the Oval should send shivers down the spine of the Israeli Government, after all the talk of red lines the Oval wants no part of actually taking action in Syria, if the Oval is yellow, cowardice in the face of the enemy what about Iran, the Tehran Regime must think that they have the green light to go nuclear, the Obama words mean NOTHING, they never did, this lack of action could lead to a regional WAR folks. 

Israel vs. Hezbollah - Middle East Update 1

BBC News: Reports that Israel has shot down a drone over Israeli airspace, the drone is thought to have been sent by the terrorist group Hezbollah in Lebanon. 

Lets Get Real: 

This is why Israel can not trust President Obama, what if this had been a nuclear missile from Iran, and Israel could not have stopped the attack, Israel would be gone and the Oval would be full of hot air as usual, the Israeli Government has to take action when it comes to Syria with its known stockpile of chemical weapons and Iran with its nuclear ambitions, the West is still frozen by the Iraq War, the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, well folks Syria and Iran is not Iraq, it could be worse, the Oval is trying to worm itself out of Assad using chemical weapons as a red line for the US and the West, as noted in this blog the Assad Regime has used chemical weapons on its people, what next, giving terror weapons to the terrorists in Lebanon, those terrorists placing WMD on drones, and Israel is a lot closer folks than the US.   Thus the Israeli Government should get its people ready for War, its coming folks, as night follows day, the omens are there folks, can you connect the dots, can Israel and the US.