Tuesday, April 16, 2019

How Mayor Pete DEALT with being Gay - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

This is a very interesting article, it is not the usual coming out story, ,Mayor Peter is honest to say if someone has give him a pill to stop being gay he would have taken it like a shot.  That is a rare form of honesty, it is not the usual I am gay and proud kind of talk you normally hear.  Also the Mayor is married to a fellow man, he came out late and look at him now, he might just have the chance to be the Democratic nominee and President of the United States.   The article is realistic, many people whatever they say to polls will never vote for a gay man, their loss, in this modern age it's nice to see someone who is love and is loved, no matter their gender.   One hopes the US has changed and voters can see beyond the gay issue.  This blog finds the Mayor very chasmastic but its the issues that count, the Mayor wants to get rid of the electoral college, a typical left wing pitch, also we shall see over the year how the Mayor gets on when you have to be in Iowa and New Hampshire when its cold and the press are not quite there yet, when you have to talk to people in their living rooms, about domestic and international issues, that will be the TEST.  Thus far, and its early, good early showing by Mayor Pete, one day will try to say his surname!! 

The Democratic Establishment WORRIED about Senator Sanders - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The Democratic Establishment money men/women are waiting for VP Joe Biden to get in to the race, the start for Biden has not been great, he got stuck with the nickname " Creepy " Joe over his touchy feely approach to women ( in a non sexual assualt way ).  It has been reported that the former Vice - President is waiting in till the end of April to get in the race, he wants to be the last to announce, as he is a former Vice - President.   The clock is ticking for Biden, the Establishment might work out that he is to OLD for a modern Presidential race and the money could go to Mayor Pete or Beto, they have charisma and are young, also not to much of track record for the Republicans to go after.   This blog supported HRC in 2016, it could never support Donald Trump, but his blog will not support a Socialist Democrat, as is Senator Sanders.   It is time for VP Biden to get off the golf course, or whatever former Vice - Presidents do and get on the campaign train, or he might find that the train has gone, and he has to start the first Vice - Presidential Library ( on the whole Vice - Presidents do not get Libraries, in less they have become President in their own right).  Time is ticking Joe are you In our OUT? 

Is Senator Sanders the man to beat in the Democratic Race for President ? - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

You have to give it to Senator Sanders, he took a risk appearing on Fox News, the DNC has made it clear that Fox is a No Go Area for Democratic candidates. After this good appearance, one can see a few Democratic Candidates might decide that FOX is better for them than CNN.   However you paint it, CNN has become the home of the left wing unhinged, if you are Presidential candidate you want to get to as many voters as you can, it might be a surprise CNN/NYT/Guardian types that liberals just might enjoy Fox, at least you get challenged, on CNN they just parrot the latest from the DNC and the uber liberal NYT.   Let's recall that Sanders was narrowly LOST to HRC in 2016, 2020 might be his turn.   Also as stated before, it is time for VP Biden to get in the field, or he might find that he field has been taken over and he is on the bench.