CNN - Politics: Reports " How Pete Buttigieg is already changing the conversation about being gay in America "
Lets Get Real:
This is a very interesting article, it is not the usual coming out story, ,Mayor Peter is honest to say if someone has give him a pill to stop being gay he would have taken it like a shot. That is a rare form of honesty, it is not the usual I am gay and proud kind of talk you normally hear. Also the Mayor is married to a fellow man, he came out late and look at him now, he might just have the chance to be the Democratic nominee and President of the United States. The article is realistic, many people whatever they say to polls will never vote for a gay man, their loss, in this modern age it's nice to see someone who is love and is loved, no matter their gender. One hopes the US has changed and voters can see beyond the gay issue. This blog finds the Mayor very chasmastic but its the issues that count, the Mayor wants to get rid of the electoral college, a typical left wing pitch, also we shall see over the year how the Mayor gets on when you have to be in Iowa and New Hampshire when its cold and the press are not quite there yet, when you have to talk to people in their living rooms, about domestic and international issues, that will be the TEST. Thus far, and its early, good early showing by Mayor Pete, one day will try to say his surname!!