Monday, December 23, 2013

Death in Afghanistan - Afghanistan Theatre

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed today in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the " Royal Engineers ".  Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 447 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total 404 have died in combat/hostile action, while 43 have died of illness, accidents or other incidents. 

Lets Get Real: 

As the UK is leaving Afghanistan next year why are still losing our Armed Forces Personnel in combat operations, what is the point, the MOD and 10 Downing Street should get our Forces home, lets be honest here, once the West is out of Afghanistan the place will go to hell, the Taliban will be at the gates of the Capital within six months, what can we say to the families that have lost loved ones there, that is was worth it, the place is not worth the blood of one Soldier, its a hell hole and the Afghans are welcomed to it, our brave and heroic Forces should have better leaders.  Our thoughts are with those still serving in Afghanistan and to the families who have lost loved ones in Afghanistan.  

40% Job Approval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the job performance of President Obama, today POTUS has a " 40% job approval rating, while 53% disapprove of the Obama record  ".

Lets Get Real:

Thus lets look at what is in store for the Oval in 2014, it can be postulated that the Oval will not ditch ObamaCare, thus what will be the strategy of the Oval to get out of the political hole it find itself in, it can be expected that the White House will run with stories about those that have been helped by ObamaCare, it will carry on with its attempt to paint the Republicans as to the right of Vlad the Impaler on a good day.   There will be more exceptions to ObamaCare, if millions have not signed up they will not have to pay the fine for another year, the Oval wants to get through 2014 Mid Terms.  On the international front expect the Oval to place more pressure on Israel not to strike Iran, also expect the Oval to appease Iran more as to get a deal, in this it will have to fight the US Senate and the Israeli lobby.   In Asia it can be expected some kind of violent reaction by North Korea, something is up since its new leader killed his uncle.   Thus 2014 just  might be worse that 2013 for the Oval.