Lets Get Real:
Those on the right will have a field day with this folks, and you know what folks, they should, taking the 5th does not mean guilt, but it will look bad for the Oval, it will give the Republicans the argument that the Obama Administration is dirty, from the Libya, to the IRS, to the targeting of Fox reporters and Executives also AP. It only needs one of these stories to lead to the Oval for President Obama to have a very fraught 2nd term. It is the IRS story and the attack on reporters that could really hurt the Oval, the Tea Party groups will be out in force in the 2014 Mid Term, thus the chance of Democrats taking the House is gone, even control of the Senate could be under threat, the elite press will start to go after the Oval because if the Obama Administration is targeting Fox News and the AP, they could be next, also do not discount the terrorists attack on the US Consulate in Libya, that could have legs if it is found that the Oval gave the order not to send support to the Consulate when it was under attack, the actions of POTUS that night are still a mystery. Also folks the press love scandals, reader read the newspapers and click the web sites, it about getting read at the end of the day folks.