The New York Times: Reports that Donald Trump is still going on about his feud with Fox Anchor Miss Kelley, he has stated , " In an interview with CNN on Monday, Mr. Trump again lashed out at Megyn Kelly, the Fox News host and moderator who asked Mr. Trump at a debate last year if previous remarks he had made were a “part of the war on women.” Ms. Kelly is one of the moderators at the debate on Thursday as well, and Mr. Trump said he might not attend. "
Lets Get Real:
Mr Trump has shown no class, he no is JFK or Ronald Reagan, he feud with Megyn Kelly shows that he does not have respect for women who challenge him, the questions that started the feud came from the mouth of the Donald. Since then he has been at WAR with Ms Kelly and Fox News. One has wonder what he would do when he has to face Putin or a terrorist threat, go about his polls, that is a serious question. Lets hope the Republican Party smells the coffee and fast, otherwise moderate Conservatives will have a choice, either not to vote or vote for HRC.