Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trump vs Ms Kelly Part 2 - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Mr Trump has shown no class, he no is JFK or Ronald Reagan,  he feud with Megyn Kelly shows that he does not have respect for women who challenge him, the questions that started the feud came from the mouth of the Donald.  Since then he has been at WAR with Ms Kelly and Fox News.  One has wonder what he would do when he has to face Putin or a terrorist threat, go about his polls, that is a serious question.    Lets hope the Republican Party smells the coffee and fast, otherwise moderate Conservatives will have a choice, either not to vote or vote for HRC. 

Clinton on Trump - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

This is why should the Republicans nominate Trump that this blog will support HRC, she called Trump out on his racist comments, the rest of the Republican field with the exception of Jeb Bush have let the issue go, while Bush has called Trump a jerk,  but in political reality the Bush Campaign is OVER, the only real threat to Trump is Cruz, not one Republican Senator has come out in support of Cruz, he is that hated by the Republican Establishment. Thus lets hope Senator Rubio of Florida can make Iowa lean towards him, otherwise its a Trump vs Clinton match up. 

The Polls 2016 and Iowa - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

It can be said that Donald Trump has the national lead by a wide margin, the question is can he run the board, that is take Iowa and New Hampshire and then the South, if Cruz can win by a small margin that will keep his campaign alive for more Conservative States, but then Cruz has to win, if he loses Iowa and New Hampshire it can be argued that he is finished.  Thus its down to the voters of Iowa, one can only hope that they go for a moderate like Rubio, the Florida Senator, but that is more of a leap of faith than political reality.   The next few days are going to see a lot polls, just keep the average in mind, long shot polls need to be confirmed by other polls.