Thursday, December 26, 2013

Obama and Iraq - 2nd Term Blues

The New York Times: Reports the following from Iraq, " The United States is quietly rushing dozens of Hellfire missiles and low-tech surveillance drones to Iraq.. " due to the rebirth of Al Qaeda in Iraq after the US left under Obama in 2011. 

Lets Get Real: 

This is what happens when you leave foreign policy to VP Biden, the US should have gotten a deal to stay in Iraq after 2011, if they had they could have prevented Iran sending arms to Assad of Syria, thus the present violent civil war in Syria, the civil war in Syria has gone from a secular war to a religious lead War, and at its front is Al Qaeda franchise terror cells, the lack of leadership by the Oval in Syria and Egypt has allowed Russia to gain more influence in the Middle East, the allies of the US from Israel to Saudi Arabia do not trust the Obama Oval due to feckless leadership in the Middle East.  The Obama Oval might find that sometime during the next three years it has to send troops back in to Iraq, it can not allow Al Qaeda to take over both Iraq and Syria,  the US has paid far to heavy a price to allow Iraq to be taken over by a mortal enemy of the US.   Also lets get very real here, the Obama legacy would go down the toilet, he would make Jimmy Carter look good, that is not a good place to be when wanting a legacy.   When Bush 43 left office in 2009 the security in Iraq was stable, it was not perfect, what the Obama Administration did was allow its rhetoric to become reality for those in the White House.    What next will the Oval send to Iraq, the Gods of politics can be cruel, it would be a irony if Obama has to send troops back, would teach candidates to be careful what they say on the campaign trail, it can come back to bite you on the backside. 

The 2014 Mid Terms - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

The Republicans have to keep ObamaCare at the centre of the debate, the Democrats and their liberal elite friends in the media will try to turn to social issues as to frighten women, they will appeal to the young to give Obama another chance, they will play the race card, they will say that the Republicans are stopping immigration reform.   The Republicans should not take the bait, the Democrats are in a hole of their own making with ObamaCare, more shoes will drop with the scheme, lets see how many people who enrolled in ObamaCare actually have cover on Jan 1.  Also the business health cover comes in to effect in 2014, how many employers will cut the hours of their workers as not have ObamaCare, how many will just drop employer cover and throw people in to ObamaCare.    Thus the Republicans have to keep to one talking point, the only issue is OBAMACARE.   The Republicans need to keep the House and retake the Senate, its Chicago hard ball politics, no prizes for coming second. 

Time of the Doctor - Review

Doctor Who News: Reports that Doctor Who was the second most watched  show on Christmas Day, the good Doctor had 8.29 million viewers in the overnight rating, as the article notes when you break down the episode the last five minutes had 10.2 million viewers, the highest of any show on the day. 

Lets Get Real: 

Matt Smith was a great Doctor, a fan favourite, this was a great episode to go out on, it had fun, drama, sadness, but also that end when the Time Lords ( Spoiler ) helped the Doctor out, lets just say we have the Doctor still, Daleks beware.   It was interesting to see the Doctor face his own death, and not really fight against it for most of the episode, he had used up his 12 regenerations, he had fought the good fight but it was over, then the Time Lords came and gave him ( Spoiler ) and he was back on form, taking on the enemies of mankind and the Time Lords.    It was nice reference to River, and of course it was perfect to see Amy ( Karen Gillan ) back, saying goodbye to her Doctor and we the viewers to the 11th Doctor and final Doctor of this regeneration cycle.  

This fan question, is the 13th Doctor not just the 1st of the new cycle, if you see what I mean, see the episode first.   The good Doctor is going to be around for a long time folks, long after this blogger has gone up to the blogger cloud, the Doctor will be his Tardis, fighting the good fight.