The New York Times: Reports the following from Iraq, " The United States is quietly rushing dozens of Hellfire missiles and low-tech surveillance drones to Iraq.. " due to the rebirth of Al Qaeda in Iraq after the US left under Obama in 2011.
Lets Get Real:
This is what happens when you leave foreign policy to VP Biden, the US should have gotten a deal to stay in Iraq after 2011, if they had they could have prevented Iran sending arms to Assad of Syria, thus the present violent civil war in Syria, the civil war in Syria has gone from a secular war to a religious lead War, and at its front is Al Qaeda franchise terror cells, the lack of leadership by the Oval in Syria and Egypt has allowed Russia to gain more influence in the Middle East, the allies of the US from Israel to Saudi Arabia do not trust the Obama Oval due to feckless leadership in the Middle East. The Obama Oval might find that sometime during the next three years it has to send troops back in to Iraq, it can not allow Al Qaeda to take over both Iraq and Syria, the US has paid far to heavy a price to allow Iraq to be taken over by a mortal enemy of the US. Also lets get very real here, the Obama legacy would go down the toilet, he would make Jimmy Carter look good, that is not a good place to be when wanting a legacy. When Bush 43 left office in 2009 the security in Iraq was stable, it was not perfect, what the Obama Administration did was allow its rhetoric to become reality for those in the White House. What next will the Oval send to Iraq, the Gods of politics can be cruel, it would be a irony if Obama has to send troops back, would teach candidates to be careful what they say on the campaign trail, it can come back to bite you on the backside.