Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Greece and Taxes

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports that the IMF has reported that Greece has reached the limit of its tax hikes and should return to more austerity cuts. That will go down well with the Greek voter folks, is the IMF trying to create a revolution in Greece, its has been reported from various sources that billions of Greek Euros have been sent abroad by its people. Also the recent military shake up shows that Greece could return to military rule. Greece needs growth folks, you cant send people back to the dark ages and expect no reaction. Watch this story folks, Greece is about to become even more of a tinderbox.

Greece and the Euro

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports more bad news out of Greece, the article states the following, “ The IMF update has just been released and it has slashed its forecasts for growth .. ”, in fact Greece is going downhill. The question has to be asked folks, how much austerity can Greece take before its time to switch off the life support. The tough austerity package out of the troika of the EU/IMF/ECB has pushed growth in to negative balance. The cuts in the public sector will push up welfare, the tax hikes on Country that is corrupt will take years to be effective. Sooner or later, and later if the EU is the standard a Greek politician will say NO, time for Greece to take control of its own future, default on its debts, return to its native currency, and rebuild the Greek economy, its for modern Greece to find its classic Greek soul.

Obama’s Arrogant - Democratic Congressman

The Hill: Has an interesting piece by a Democratic Congressman Dennis Carodoza, the Congressman States the following on POTUS, “ …Obama projected an arrogant “I’m right, you’re wrong” demeanor……voters — will give him a failing grade next November if he doesn’t improve his performance Are Democrats on the Hill smelling the coffee folks, they are up for re-election next year, it can be argued that House Democrats have a limited chance of retaking the House, they didn’t have the guts to get rid of former Liberal Speaker Nancy Pelosi, thus on the Presidential side you have President Obama, who has not been over 50% Approval in months, on the Congressional side, you have two great Republican voters getters, the LIBERAL Nancy Pelosi on the House side and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the Senate side. It can be postulated that if POTUS does not get his act together by mid 2012 the Hill Democrats will do a real runner from the Obama re-elect committee. The Republicans can use the old Reagan question, “ Are you better off that you were four years ago? ”, the answer by most Americans is that they and the US have one from a ditch to falling over a cliff. Thus Obama could be Carter Mark 2, lets recall folks, Democrats wanted Reagan as the Republican Nominee, yes folks they were that out of it, it has been argued that Democrats want Newt Gingrich as the Republican Nominee, are they going to make the same mistake, time will tell folks.

Cheney on Gingrich

CNN News - Politics: Reports that former VP Richard Cheney has warned the challengers to Newt Gingrich in essence not to fall in to the trap of “ ..misjudging the former House speaker’s election prospects. ”. As the former VP notes the former Speaker early on his career saw the prospects of the Republicans taking the House from the Democrats. One I think can argue that the VP is in his own way endorsing Gingrich, when one looks at national security issues from Israel to Iran, it can be argued that Gingrich is closer to Cheney. The question will the kind words of the former VP help or hinder Gingrich, they should help, they should tell the voter that Gingrich is a winner, he retook the House, what is the say he cant make Obama a one term President. These are interesting times folks, the STAR has lost his allure, the people want jobs nor a Law Professor in the Oval.

Gingrich the MAN - Republican Race

The Hill: Reports on recent Republican Polls, the article states the following, “ Of the four early-voting states, polling shows Gingrich leading in three of them — Iowa, South Carolina and Florida — and gaining ground in New Hampshire.This blog has made its prediction folks, last great words, that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will be the Republican Nominee for President, of course the Speaker is quite capable of shooting himself in the foot, the elite media jumped on him with his comments about the Middle East, he was historically accurate about the growth of the Palestinian people and only recently is time terms have they been seen as a people who have a right to a Country. This should go down well with voters who see the security of Israel as important, this is not just a Jewish issue, some of the most passionate supporters of Israel are Christians. The problem is that the Speaker has to be careful, the extreme elite media will use any words against him, try to make him out of the mainstream, he does not need any more baggage. As Gingrich leads in Iowa, South Carolina and Florida, one can argue that he will win these States, the question is NH, if he can get within 10 points of Romney the race is over folks, so the Romney Campaign might do well to increase its resources in NH, not give up on Iowa, but keep as is their plan NH as the wall as to either stall the Gingrich Campaign or finish off Gingrich. Lets recall Bush 41 won Iowa in 1980, beating Reagan, yes folks it did happen, but then Reagan won NH and from their the Presidency. Lets hope this blog has not predicted to soon folks.

New Hampshire and the Republican Race

The New York Times: Reports that the political gloves have come off in NH, former House Speaker called for Governor Romney to return the money from the Companies he bankrupted, while Romney has called on Gingrich to give back money from a Government Agency. Folks the liberal NYT is loving this, but what it does show is how close the former Speaker is to taking the nomination away from Governor Romney, the Romney Campaign has been playing safe in till now, the contenders to Romney have destroyed their own Campaigns, but Gingrich had a blow at the start, thus while Romney was battling Perry, Cain, the Gingrich Campaign came in on the inside to take the lead. The baggage of the former Speaker are well known, thus not news folks. If Newt Gingrich can win Iowa and come close to Romney in his home state in many respects and then head South to Southern States he can win the nomination before the end of the month of January. This blog is going to make bold prediction, the Republican Nominee is going to be Newt Gingrich.

Euro Today - Poland to the Rescue ?

Guardian: Reports on comments by the Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski on BBC2’s Newsnight, the Minister stated that the demands of PM Cameron could be meet in the future. Thus the Irish and Polish Government might have smelled the coffee folks, one has to ask will Dublin really want a referendum on if Paris and Berlin will have the final say over the Irish Budget. The Poles didn’t get rid of Soviet Communism to allow the EU to run their budget. At lets get to the most arrogant Country on Earth, that being France, the French only care about France, will really allow Berlin to decide their budget, what gets spend, what if in the future France wants to spend more than the Germans like, will they be taken to the European Court, have doubts the French will go along with this in the future folks. People don’t change folks, elites sometimes over play their hand, France and Germany might have bough a ticket on the Titanic.

Where was CLEGG ? - Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: The BBC’s Political Editor Nick Robinson writes the following on the absence of Nick Clegg at the EU Statement by PM David Cameron, “ They used to all agree with Nick. Today they couldn't even find him.. ”. This is a good line folks, but at its heart is the fact that DPM Nick Clegg is hopeless at reading politics, a recent poll has found that 49% of Liberal Democrats agree with PM Cameron, the Nick Clegg office has allowed the elite media of the BBC, Guardian, Independent, Channel 4 to divert from good politics, the Brits at their core have a great mistrust of Europe, we have fought nearly all them at one time or another, remember that France, and the UK has won, and those odd were worse folks. The DPM should have taken his Party by the scruff of the neck and told them some home truths, he has destroyed what ever support he might have gotten form Conservatives, time to ditch the Liberal Democrats, go for an early election and referendum on EU. The Conservatives would win an overall majority and the Liberal Democrats can go back to being a pressure group, and liked by everybody and having no power.