Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gingrich the MAN - Republican Race

The Hill: Reports on recent Republican Polls, the article states the following, “ Of the four early-voting states, polling shows Gingrich leading in three of them — Iowa, South Carolina and Florida — and gaining ground in New Hampshire.This blog has made its prediction folks, last great words, that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will be the Republican Nominee for President, of course the Speaker is quite capable of shooting himself in the foot, the elite media jumped on him with his comments about the Middle East, he was historically accurate about the growth of the Palestinian people and only recently is time terms have they been seen as a people who have a right to a Country. This should go down well with voters who see the security of Israel as important, this is not just a Jewish issue, some of the most passionate supporters of Israel are Christians. The problem is that the Speaker has to be careful, the extreme elite media will use any words against him, try to make him out of the mainstream, he does not need any more baggage. As Gingrich leads in Iowa, South Carolina and Florida, one can argue that he will win these States, the question is NH, if he can get within 10 points of Romney the race is over folks, so the Romney Campaign might do well to increase its resources in NH, not give up on Iowa, but keep as is their plan NH as the wall as to either stall the Gingrich Campaign or finish off Gingrich. Lets recall Bush 41 won Iowa in 1980, beating Reagan, yes folks it did happen, but then Reagan won NH and from their the Presidency. Lets hope this blog has not predicted to soon folks.

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