Sunday, June 03, 2012

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier has been killed in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the " 3rd Battalion, The Yorkshire Regiment ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 417 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 377 in combat/hostile action, while another 40 have been lost due to illness, accidents or other incidents.

Liberal NYT vs. Obama

Lets Get Real:

It could be folks that the uber liberal NYT has smelled the coffee when it comes to President Obama, they might think he might lose in November, the liberal press will cover for Obama, but they wont be flushed down the toilet with him. If by November it looks like Obama is toast expect the elite liberal media to take Obama apart, they will argue he was not liberal enough, that he didn't spend more tax money on government projects. That he was to much of a hawk on National Security. That Obama failed to be a Liberal Reagan. Its still long fight folks, a few months in politics is a lifetime. Lets see if POTUS can capture the spirit of his 2008 Campaign, not over till its over folks.

Obama's Executive Action - Part Two

Guardian: Reports on how the Obama Oval defines those that are to be killed by drones, the articles notes the following, " defines a militant as any military-age male in the strike zone when its drone attacks. ".

Lets Get Real:

This blog does not have a problem with the use of drones as a form of assassination, its clean and effective, no troops on the ground, thus no US or UK Armed Forces Personnel getting killed. On the other hand Obama's hiking of drone use makes Bush 43 look like a liberal. While the Bush Oval used torture on terrorists they didn't kill them, also got good information out of them and threw them in to jail and threw away the key, also a good move. The leak of the fact that POTUS himself has the final say on those that are killed is a mistake, there have been cases were innocent people have been killed. One can assume that the Nobel Prize Committee has a letter in the post asking for their price back and the money. The uberal liberal forget that President Obama is a Chicago Pol, they are bloody ruthless in many ways, Obama has upgraded the drone strikes because he is afraid that if he didn't and something happened he would get the blame. Thus folks your asking what is the solution, Pakistan has showed its not a ally of the US, the badlands of the Pakistan and Afghan border has major terrorists havens, the Oval has no choice if it wants out of Afghanistan by 2014 but to carry on with these strikes, context means that Obama is doing the right thing, its ruthless and bloody folks, the NATO allies want out of Afghanistan, thus in this case the President should get support from the right and cover. Sooner or later the left will really turn on him, one can see the day that the issue will be before the US Supreme Court. Lets hope the Court supports Obama's kill list.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has announced the name of the UK Soldier that was killed on Friday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was " Corporal Michael John Thacker, from 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh ". Our thoughts are with the family of Corporal Thacker.