Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Man could have been POTUS = John Edwards

Daily Mail: Reports that former US Senator and a candidate for the Democratic nomination in 2008 John Edwards will be prosecuted for campaign violations. If ever there was creepy politician it has to be John Edwards, while his gallant wife was fighting illness that killed her in the end, Edwards was having an affair. The allegation is that the Edwards Campaign used money raised to keep the affair secret. If the allegation is TRUE, lets hope they throw the creep in jail for a very long time, shows how even the mighty can fall.

Another Tet ? = Afghanistan

Telegraph: Reports that Al Qaeda is massing foreign fighters in the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan as to hit NATO forces in Afghanistan. One gets that feeling that Al Qaeda is thinking about the PR success of the Tet offensive in 1968 in Southern Vietnam. Although the military offensive was a failure that didn’t help LBJ, the war was seen as a defeat for the US, and thus the election of Richard Nixon in 1968. Both the US and the UK want out of Afghanistan by 2014, but that gives the Afghanistan Taliban and Al Qaeda the incentive to wait out the West, both Obama and Cameron want to talk to the Taliban as to allow a honourable exit for the West, but its not going to happen. When the West does leave, and they will leave folks, both the Afghanistan Taliban & Al Qaeda will claim victory, thus they will argue that they have seen off the USSR and now the US & UK under NATO. The result could be that a nuclear armed Pakistan falls in the hands of the Pakistan of Taliban, then expect India to hit hard and the West to be in Pakistan.

Gaddafi = G0 = Obama and Cameron

BBC News: Reports on a press conference held by President Obama and UK PM David Cameron, both leaders stated that Colonel Gaddafi had to go at end of the day and the Libyan people would decide their future. The NATO bombing of Libya has gone on for over two months NOW, and Colonel Gaddafi is still in power, thus far NATO under the Allies of the US, UK and France have bombed the security forces of Colonel Gaddafi, sent in “ military advisors”, hit the command centres of Colonel Gaddafi, and it has been reported that the UK and France will start to use Apache Helicopters, as this allows closer combat. Folks at end of the day the Allies will have to use ground troops, the Blitz of Nazi Germany didn’t break the sprit of the British during World War Two, the US bombing of North Vietnam didn’t bring victory for the US in the Vietnam War, an air power war by itself cant win, there needs to be grounds forces, the Eastern Rebels will take years to train as to allow them to take the West of the Country, the US, France and the UK don’t have years folks, time for ground troops.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has announced the name of the UK Soldier that was killed on Monday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was “ Colour Serjeant Kevin Charles Fortuna from A Company, 1st Battalion The Rifles ”. Our thoughts are with the family of Colour Sergeant Fortuna.