The New York Times: Reports that a Federal Court has ordered that one of its reports James Risen " ..must testify in the criminal trial of a former Central Intelligence Agency official charged with providing him with classified information. ".
Lets Get Real:
This is a wise move by the Federal Court, when it comes to National Security there must NOT be a shield for reporters, it is far to easy for reporters and bloggers it must be said to use the argument that they should be allowed to release matters of State, even a liberal democracy needs its a secrets, this is not the 1970s and Watergate/Vietnam folks, that time is OVER, after 9/11 the State has to carry out ACTS that will not look good on the front page of the ubera liberal NYT. Of late we have seen the release of the fact that the drone kill list goes up to the Oval, thus they are the Obama kill list for terrorists, that there was an attempt to sabotage the nuclear plants of Iran, thinks folks if the press during World War Two had released the fact that the Allies had broken the signals of the German Subs, also the military messages of the Germany Army, that the US had broken the signals of the Government of Japan. What if the press had leaked the story of the lies that were used up to D - Day, they result could have been very different folks. Thus good view of the US Federal Court system. Liberals have to learn folks, even reporters, security comes first.